Current Catalogues

Catalogue 209 - Autumn 2019

(Code-word BAIN which means: Send from catalogue 209 items no...)
Catalogue cover Iain Bain

Iain Bain at the Albion Press comparing proofs taken from Blake's woodblock illustrations for Thornton's Virgil with the Nonesuch Press edition of 1937

Our cover picture (courtesy of David Chambers) shows 'Iain's desk in his bookroom, 2016, with part of a bookcase to the rear. Note the blank boxwood block on an engraver's sandbag at bottom left, engraving tools in a green felt roll, blocks in boxes to the left & right and the ivory smallpipes above them in the centre.'
    Part I - Iain Bain
    Part II - Books from Iain Bain's library
Entire catalogue in pdf format  (622 kb)
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