The Bookplate Library of Peter Allpress
Bookplates, Heraldry, Medals & Books about Books.

1 ABRAHAM, James Johnston. Lettsom. His Life, Times, Friends and Descendants. William Heinemann, 1933 FIRST EDITION, lg.8vo., pp.xx,498; illustrations & facsimiles; a good copy in original blue cloth, top edge gilt; backstrip slightly faded. £15

2 ALEXY, Zdenko G. Ex Libris Armales 1983 curriculis vitae adnexis contemporaneum de arte et scientia armorum bene meritorum. Tomus primus. Sumptibus Hermanni Bohlau Successorum Vindobonae, 1984 No.187 of 500 copies, signed; pp.167; 72 tipped-in plates, some in colours & gold, with accompanying text on facing pages; very good in original crimson rexine, gilt. Intended as 'an international who's who of active heraldists', three volumes were issued 1984/6; text in French, English & German. £28

3 ALEXY, Zdenko G. Ex Libris Armales 1985 curriculis vitae adnexis contemporaneum de arte et scientia armorum bene meritorum. Tomus primus. Sumptibus Hermanni Bohlau Successorum Vindobonae, 1984 No.86 of 500 copies, signed; pp.180; 75 tipped-in plates, some in colours & gold, with accompanying text on facing pages; very good in original crimson rexine, gilt. Intended as 'an international who's who of active heraldists', three volumes were issued 1984/6; text in French, English & German. £28

4 [ALLEN, Charles Dexter, & others] An Exhibition of Book-Plates February VII-XXVI, by The Caxton Club, Chicago, 1898 Sm. 4to., (180 x 132mm), pp.26 + colophon; well preserved in silk-sewn printed wrappers, uncut. £18

5 ALLEN, Charles Dexter. American Book-Plates. A guide to their study. With a Bibliography by E.N. Hewins. Hacker Art Books, 1968 Pp.xiv,437; full-page & vignette illustrations thoughout; a very good copy in original full blue buckram of this facsimile of the original edition of 1895. £15

6 ALLEN, Charles Dexter. A classified list of Early American Book-Plates. ... To accompany an Exhibition at The Grolier Club, 1894. bound with: LEITAO, Joaquim. Primeira Exposicao de Ex-Libris em Portugal. E De Tudo Se Lavrou Este Auto... Tombo Historico, Lisbon, 1928 Two works bound together. ALLEN: pp.38; 18 plates; a very good uncut copy with original wrappers (a little rubbed & worn) bound in. LEITAO: no.62 of 150 copies, signed by the author & with signed presentation inscription on upper wrapper; pp.(4)32,lxxvi(10); illustrations; some browning due to poor quality paper, otherwise well preserved in printed wrappers. The two works bound together in cloth-backed marbled boards. £45

7 ALMACK, Edward. Bookplates. With forty-two illustrations. Methuen & Co., 1904 FIRST EDITION, 16mo. (150 x 110mm); pp.viii,180; 42 plates; a good copy in original blue cloth, gilt; top edge gilt, others uncut. £15

8 ALPRESA, Frank. VI Congreso Europeo de Exlibris. 18 Exlibris Conmemorativos ofrecidos a los congresistas. [bound with 20 Exlibris. Selección entre los presentados al concurso Internacional.] Barcelona, 1958 Two works bound together; lg.4to., I. limited to 200 copies, pp.(4) + 18 leaves of proof pulls in various techniques; 3 signed, 1 in colours; printed on specially watermarked heavy handmade paper. II. limited to 125 copies, pp.(2) + 20 leaves of proof pulls on various papers. Fine uncut copies in original yellow pictorial card covers; preserved in crimson leather-backed marbled boards. Both works include an 'Indice' list of artists, their countries & medium, first work also with title/colophon leaf which is NOT PRESENT in the second collection. £300

9 AMERICAN BOOKPLATE SOCIETY. Ex Libris. Volume 1. [In four parts] July 1896 to April 1897. The American Bookplate Society, Washington DC, 1897 FIRST EDITION, no.8 of 310 copies; pp.iv,136(4); plates throughout; a very good copy of this deluxe production, in contemporary half tan morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut; extremities a little rubbed. The first journal of the Society. £65

10 AMERICAN SOCIETY of Bookplate Collectors. ARELLANES, Audrey Spencer. Bookplates in the News, 1970-1985. A Collection of Sixty issues of the Newsletter of the American Society of Bookplate Collectors and Designers... Gale Research, Detroit, 1986 4to., pp.xii,640; illustrations in line & half-tone throughout; very good in original decorated cloth. £40

11 AMERICAN SOCIETY of Bookplate Collectors. ARELLANES, Audrey Spencer [Editor] Bookplates in the News. Numbers 61 - 123, 1985 - 2001. American Society of Bookplate Collectors and Designers, 1985-2001 63 numbers, 4to., pp.(561-)1548 + prelims, indexes & associated ephemera; tipped-in bookplate specimens throughout; very good in buckram-backed marbled boards (61-78) and separate sheets as issued 79 -123). £65

12 AMERICAN SOCIETY of Bookplate Collectors. ARELLANES, Audrey Spencer [Editor] Year Book(s). A collection of 17 Year Books, 1973 - 1998. American Society of Bookplate Collectors and Designers, 1973-98 17 issues (including several 'doubles'), 4to., limited to 200-250 numbered copies; each issue c.5-80pp.; illustrations throughout including many tipped-in original bookplates; very good in original printed wrappers. The collection comprises volumes: 37-45 & 49-55 & 57. A high quality production featuring the work of most of the finest artists of the 20thC. Contributors include Brian North Lee, Cliff Parfit & Paul Latcham. £150

13 AMWEG, Gustave. Les Ex-Libris de L'Ancien Eveche de Bale (Jura Bernois). Editions de la Baconniere, Neuchatel, 1932 FIRST EDITION, no.202 of 222 copies (+15 specials); folio, pp.100 + colophon; illustrations throughout; faint waterstain in head margins, otherwise well preserved in crimson leather-backed marbled boards, original wrapper bound in. £135

14 ANSELL, Robert. The Bookplate designs of Austin Osman Spare. The Bookplate Society, 1988. No.292 of 500 copies; pp.35; illustrations throughout; a very good copy in pictorial wrappers. £25

15 ANTIOCH BOOKPLATES. Antioch Bookplates. Book '34. Antioch Bookplate Company, Yellow Springs, Ohio [1934] 4to., 12 card leaves with 132 tipped-in specimen bookplates; loosely inserted are: 4pp. Supplement of Zodiac Series, Price Card & other publicity material; later blue cloth with original printed card covers bound in. Splendid specimen book from this early college industry set up by Antioch College in the 1930s. Ernest Morgan, son of the President of Antioch College, recalls the hazards of a small business in the '30s in 'Ten Years in the Bookplate Business'. £75

16 ARELLANES, Audrey Spencer. Bookplates. A Selective Annotated Bibliography of the Periodical Literature. Gale Research, Detroit, 1971. FIRST EDITION, pp.xxxviii,474; pictorial endpapers & 81 bookplate illustrations; a very good copy in original red cloth. £20

17 ARMORIAL BOOKPLATES. 147 Examples of Armorial Book Plates. From various Collections. (Second Series.) W. Griggs & Sons, 1892. FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.(6); chromolithograph frontispiece & 146 plates of ex libris printed on tinted ground; contemporary half green morocco, top edge gilt, others uncut, upper cover detached. Neat pencilled notes on many plates. With index leaf & contents of original issue in 12 parts; a first series of 83 examples appeared in 1884. £65

18 AUSTIN, Robert. GARLICK, K.J. Robert Austin 1895-1973. An exhibition of etchings, engravings, drawings and watercolours. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1980. Sm.4to., pp.44; 10 full-page & 7 smaller illustrations; very good in printed card wrapper. £10

19 BACHER, Henri. PFLEGER, Alfred. Die Exlibris Henri Bachers. Mit einer Einfuhrung. Elsass-Lothringische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Strasburg, 1936 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.x,201; 74 wood-engraved plates (1 coloured); very good in printed wrappers, uncut. £45

20 BADELEY, J.F. Bookplates. Being a lecture delivered to the Print Collectors' Club on Wed. Nov. 18th. 1925. Print Collectors' Club. 1927 FIRST EDITION, no.361 of 500 copies (200 for sale); 4to., pp.68; 3 'original plates' & 32 collotype plates; very good in cloth-backed printed boards; extremities slightly rubbed. Neat ownership signature of 'E.L. Kidd, 1927'. £35

21 BAKER, Hettie Gray. BAER, Carlyle S. Bookplates of Hettie Gray Baker. With descriptive comments... The Hyacinth Press, Cleveland, 1947 FIRST EDITION, limited to 250 copies; pp.(16); 10 tipped-in bookplates in various sizes, inks & papers; unobtrusive oval blindstamp of 'N[ew] E[ngland] Historic Genealogical Society' on title & neat date stamps on covers & final blank but very nice in original silk-sewn card wrappers. £38

22 BARCELONA. Circular para Nuestros Asociados. Asociacion de ExLibristas de Barcelona. Grafica Minerva, Barcelona, 1951-1970 4 vols., lg.4o., limited to 250 numbered copies; nos.1-32 & 37-40; pp.211; xxxii,312; 256; xxix,152; 76; illustrations & full-page plates throughout including colour & some tip-ins; a fine set in crimson leather-backed marbled boards, original stiff wrappers bound in. Issued every six months until 1961 after which 'double numbers' appeared annually until publication ceased with no.39/40 for 1970. This collection lacks just the two double numbers 33/4 & 35/6 issued in 1967 & 1968. While individual issues come on the market from time to time, long runs are extremely hard to find. We have located just one complete set in WorldCat, at the University of Barcelona. £850

23 BARNETT, P. Neville. Woodcut Book Plates. Coming Out Party Souvenir! Very Privately Printed at Sydney. Saxteenth Octember, Thirsty-Four. [Beacon Press, Sydney, N.S.W. 1934] FIRST EDITION limited to 150 copies (this un-numbered & unsigned); pp.(32); 26 full-page illustrations of bookplates in various single colours, by Phyllis Shillito, Freda Robertshaw, George Hay & others. Very good in silk-sewn printed wrappers; ex libris Francis Wilbur Allen. Much humour at the expense of printers & book-makers; evidently a spoof prospectus for Barnett's more substantial book of Woodcut Book Plates which appeared later in the year. £85

24 BARRETT, W.P. LV Book Plates. Engraved on copper from Designs by W.P. Barrett. John and E. Bumpus, 1900 FIRST EDITION, no.93 of 260 copies, so inscribed & signed by the author; pp.(4)viii(2) + 54 plates, each with captioned guard leaf; well preserved in original vellum (spotted). £165

25 BEATSON, Robert. A Political Index to the Histories of Great Britain and Ireland; Or, A Complete Register of the heriditary honours, public offices, and Persons in Office, from the earliest periods to the present time. The Second Edition, corrected, and much enlarged. In two volumes. G.G.J. & J. Robinson, 1788 2vol., pp.xii,481(3)addenda, xvi (index); viii,392,20(4) table & errata; a good set in contemporary calf; backstrips worn with splits in hinges but sides secure; contemporary ex libris of Bertie, Duke of Ancaster (Franks 2393). £85

26 BEDDINGHAM, P[hilip] C. The Bookplates of John William Lisle 1870-1927. [Printed for the Author] 1976. FIRST EDITION, pp.(64); printed on rectos only; 21 full- and half-page illustrations; very good in green cloth, original card wrappers bound in. £20

27 BEDDINGHAM, Philip. CARTER, Will. STONE, Reynolds. Concerning Booklabels. [with] Concerning Bookplates essays by Philp Beddingham. Private Libraries Association, 1963/60. FIRST EDITIONS, pp.16; 14; very good copies, bound together in modern cloth, retaining original printed wrappers. Brian North Lee's tribute to Beddingham laid in. £25

28 BEELS, C.H. PESKENS, J. Th. A. Heraldiek in het Exlibris. Exlibriskring der Werelbibliotheek-Vereniging, Amsterdam, 1967 FIRST EDITION, pp.80; illustrations throughout; very good in printed wrappers over card. £20

29 BERGHMAN, Arvid. ExLibris. Nagra ord om bruket av bokagaremarken. Broderna Lagerstroms Forlag, Stockholm, 1936 FIRST EDITION, pp.76; 79 illustrations in line & half-tone; a good uncut copy in slightly frayed original printed wrappers. Inscribed to 'The Hon. George R. Bellew... with the author's compliments.' £25

30 BERRY, William. Encyclopaedia Heraldica, or Complete Dictionary of Heraldry. [In three volumes.] Published for the Author by Sherwood, Gilbert and Piper, [1828-30] FIRST EDITION, 3vol., 4to., pp.xii(764)275(3)addenda; (1026) with Directions to binder; (20); engraved title to each vol., Pedigree plate in vol.1 and 140 engraved plates in vol.3; some light browning but a good set in contemporary blue calf, gilt, double morocco labels; rubbed & a little worn at hinges, one board detached; ex libris Harry Browne & later signature of Geo. Fredk. Browne. A supplement, not here present, appeared in 1840. 'A valuable heraldic work... embrac[ing] the greater part of the contents of Edmondson and other writers, with much original matter.' - George Boase in DNB. £240

31 BEWICK. DOBSON, Austin. Thomas Bewick and his pupils. With ninety-five illustrations. Chatto and Windus, 1884. [Reprinted in facsimile by] Singing Tree Press, Detroit, 1968 Pp.xviii,232; vignette & full-page illustrations throughout; a very good copy of this well-produced facsimile in original buckram. £15

32 BEWICK. TATTERSFIELD, Nigel. Bookplates by Beilby and Bewick. A Biographical Dictionary of Bookplates from the workshop of Ralph Beilby, Thomas Bewick and Robert Bewick 1760-1849. British Library, 1998. FIRST EDITION, pp.384; 400 illustrations in line from the original wood & copper engravings; very good in frayed dust-wrapper. An important study of the several hundred bookplates produced in the Bewick workshop over 75 years with detailed biographical information on their owners. £30

33 BIBLIOTECA DEL EXLIBRISTA. CATASUS, Juan; LOPEZ, Luis Bardon; COLLART, Albert. Los Ex Libris de Frank Alpreso [with] Don Mariano Pardo de Figueroa [with] Los Ex Libris Espanoles [with] Heraldica y Ex Libris de Inglaterra [2vol] Las Actuales Bibliotecasa Privadas Madrilenas [2vol] Julio Fernandez Saez [with] Gianni Mantero. Biblioteca del Exlibrista, Barcelona, 1954 - 65 FIRST EDITIONS, volumes 1-9, no.4 of 100 sets for subscribers; each volume 50-150pp.; illustrated throughout with many tip-ins and engravings printed from the original blocks or plates; a very good set of this deluxe production, untrimed in original printed card wrappers. £450

34 BISHOP, Percival J.G. South African Bookplates from the Percival J.G. Bishop Collection. With a preface by R.F.M. Immelman... Introduction and notes by F.L. Alexander... Index by P. J.G. Bishop. A.A. balkema, Amsterdam / Cape Town, 1955 FIRST EDITION, limited to 500 copies; pp.108; 70 plates, 27 tipped-in; very good in original maroon cloth. £55

35 BLANCO, Leonardo. CLEMENTE, Enriqueta. Blasones Aragoneses en el Antiguo Palacio de Los Condes de Sastago de Zaragoza. Fernando el Catolico, Zaragoza, 1997 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.90(2); illustrations in line & colour thoughout; very good in printed card wrapper. £15

36 BLATCHLY, John. The Bookplates of George Wolfe Plank and a selection of his book illustrations. With a foreword by John Craig. The Bookplate Society, 2002. FIRST EDITION limited to 250 copies (50 only for sale); lg.8vo., pp.viii,96; illustrations of nearly a hundred bookplates designs & several book illustrations; new in illustrated stiff paper covers. A fascinating and thoroughly researched account of this little-known book artist. Born Gettysburg in 1883, he sailed in 1914 to England where he stayed until his death in 1965. Initially much influenced in his bookplate work by Gordon Craig, his book illustrations included Vita Sackville-West's The Land & Family History (jacket), Benson's The Freaks of Mayfair and work for HD, Molly Keane & Marianne Moore. £15

37 BLATCHLY, John. East Anglian Ex-Libris. Bookplates and labels made between 1700 and the present day. The Bookplate Society, 2008. FIRST EDITION limited to 400 copies; folio, pp.128; over 260 illustrations & facsimiles throughout (16 in colour); new in laminated pictorial card covers. £18

38 BLATCHLY, John. Some Suffolk and Norfolk Ex-Libris. Bookplates and Labels relating to East Anglian Owners, Artists and Printers. The Bookplate Society, 2000. FIRST EDITION limited to 450 copies (200 for sale), folio, pp.(6)154; illustrations throughout; printed card wrappers a little rubbed & soiled. A well produced survey with biographical notes & effective index. £15

39 BLATCHLY, John. CRAIG, Edward Gordon. The Bookplates of Edward Gordon Craig. The Bookplate Society, 1997. FIRST EDITION limited to 430 copies; sm.4to.,,129 + colophon; coloured frontispiece & 202 facsimiles of all bookplates described (some in several states). An excellent study with detailed notes on each plate; a good copy in original wrappers, several cuttings laid in. £24

40 BLUM, Dr. Gernot. Die Kunst des erotischen Exlibris. 265 Abbildungen davon 13 in Fabre. Verlag Claus Wittal, Wiesbaden, 1986 FIRST EDITION, pp.272; 13 colour & 252 line & half-tone illustrations; very good in pictorial cloth. £45

41 BLUM, Dr. Gernot. Exlibris fur Arzte vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. Hartmannbund-Verlag , Bonn, 1983 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to, pp.236; illustrations throughout, some in colour; well preserved in pictorial laminated card covers. £15

42 BODDINGTON, Jack. Courage of the Highest Order. The Stanhope Medal of the Royal Humane Society 1873 - 1994. Orders & Medals Society of America, 1998 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.(6)84(2); illustrations throughout; very good in laminated card wrappers. £25

43 BONO, Salvatore [Editor] Ex Libris. Anno I no.1 to Anno 7 no.6, 35 issues [Lacking four of the 39 numbers issued.] Notiziario bimestrale dell' . Amici dell' Ex Libris, Trieste, 1955-61[62] 35 issues [of 39] bound into two volumes; illustrations throughout, some colour, tip-ins & extra plates; pictorial wrappers bound in. Comprising: 1955 nos. 1-3 (all issued); 1956 1, 3 & 5 (of 6); 1957-1960 6 issues each year - complete; 1961 nos. 1-4 & 6 (lacking 5). Initially 4pp., but quickly expanded to 12 + plates, adverts. & covers. Publication ended with the death of Bono on Jan 6th, 1962. £220

44 BOOKBINDING. BROOMHEAD, Frank. The Zaehnsdorfs (1842-1947) Craft Bookbinders. Private Libraries Association, 1986. FIRST EDITION, pp.109; illustrations and facsimiles; very good in original cloth. £10

45 BOOKPLATE SOCIETY. LEE, Brian North [Editor] The Bookplate Journal. Journal of The Bookplate Society. Vols. 1 - 20 [with] New Series vols. 1 - 12. Bookplate Society, 1983-2014 A complete run of all 64 numbers issued to 2014, with indexes. Vols. 1-12; bound into three volumes, crimson leather-backed marbled boards, lettered in gold, original wrappers bound in; the remaining volumes in wrappers as published. Originally edited by Prof. W.E. Butler, Brian North Lee took over the editorship in 1987 (shared with John Blatchly from '94-'98) and remained the most prolific contributor until his death. The first issue of the New Series contains a tribute to BNL, Paul Latcham having become editor. Peter Allpress made a number of contributions, his bookplate featured in NS 4.142 and obituary by Paul Latcham in NS 13.68. £450

46 BOOKPLATE SOCIETY. LEE, Brian North [Secretary] The Bookplate Society Newsletter. Vols. V - 35 with indexes & Constitution and Directory of Members for 1995, 2001 & 2008. Bookplate Society, 1983-2013 A sizeable run. Includes Cumulative Index to vols. I-XII prepared by W.M. Schwab, 1991; Supplement to Vol.X, no.3 - 'Ex Libris in Macondo' by Benoit Junod, 1988 & several auction supplements. Vols.V-XV bound into 2vols, russet buckram, lettered in gold; vols.XVI-XXX & 31-35 in wrappers as issued. Published quarterly until 2002 (vol. XXIV), then bi-annually. £120

47 BOTEY, Francisco Esteve. Ex Libris Exlibristas. Con 161 illustraciones. Aguilar, S.A., Madrid, 1949 FIRST EDITION, pp.306; illustrations throughout in line & half-tone; handsomely bound in quarter crimson morocco, gilt. £65

48 BOUCHOT, Henri. Les Ex-Libris et Les Marques de Possession du Livre. Edouard Rouveyre, Paris, 1891 FIRST EDITION, no.673 of 750 copies; pp.106(2); vignette & full-pge illustrations in line; very good in attractive contemporary half vellum, gilt, morocco label. Earlier bookplates of Isambard Brunel I.C.D. (son of the great engineer) & Peter Summers. £85

49 BOUTELL, Charles. Heraldry, Historical and Popular. With seven hundred illustrations. Winsor and Newton, 1863. FIRST EDITION,,427; full-page & text illustrations throughout; a good copy in original red blind-stamped cloth, some time rebacked. £25

50 BOWDOIN, W.G. The Rise of the Book-Plate. being an exemplification of the art, signified by various book-plates, from its earliest to its most recent practice. A. Wessels, New York, 1901 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.207; frontis. & 80 leaves of illustrations; original cloth-backed boards, lettered in gold; a little shaken but well preserved. £40

51 BRANGWYN, Frank. Bookplates. [With a foreword by Eden Phillpotts. The Morland Press, 1920] FIRST EDITION 4to., pp.22; vignettes in text, coloured frontispiece & 69 plates, several in single colours; a nice uncut copy in original decorated cloth, extremities rubbed, short split at head of lower hinge (repaired). £110

52 BRAUNGART, Richard. Das Moderne Deutsche Gebrauchs-ExLibris mit 400 Abbildungen. Franz Hanfstaengl, Munchen, 1922 FIRST EDITION, pp.101 + 3pp. adverts.; illustrations in line & half-tone throughout; very good in decorated boards & repaired dust-wrapper. £22

53 BRAUNGART, Richard. Das Moderne Deutsche Gebrauchs-ExLibris mit 400 Abbildungen. Franz Hanfstaengl, Munchen, 1922 FIRST EDITION, pp.101 + 3pp. adverts.; illustrations in line & half-tone throughout; a very good uncut copy in original decorated wrappers, a little worn at extremities. £20

54 BRAUNGART, Richard. Der Akt in Modernen Exlibris. Franz Hanfstaengl, Munchen, 1922 FIRST EDITION, 4to., no.28 of 200 copies with 5 extra proofs, printed from the plate & signed by the artist; pp.44(4) + 86 plates, each with captioned guard (+ five extras); very good in original deluxe green polished morocco, gilt, backstrip faded to brown; rubbed but sound & attractive, top edge gilt, others uncut. £225

55 BRAUNGART, Richard. Deutsche Ex Libris und Andere Kleingraphik der Gegenwart, Hugo Schmidt Verlag, Munchen, 1922 FIRST EDITION, pp.105(3)adverts.; half-tone illustrations throughout; original pictorial boards, tape repairs to backstrip, but a sound copy of this scarce account. £65

Item 54
Item 54

56 BRAUNGART, Richard. Neue Deutsche Akt-ExLibris 145 Abbildungen. Franz Hanfstaengl, Munchen, 1924 FIRST EDITION, pp.168; illustrations in line & half-tone throughout; very good in decorated silk boards & repaired dust-wrapper. The nude in bookplates. £22

57 BRAUNGART, Richard. Neue Deutsche ExLibris. Franz Hanfstaengl, Munchen, [1913] FIRST EDITION, pp.46; 84 leaves of plates with captioned guards including 15 tipped-in specimens; original green limp cloth, gilt, morocco label, top edge gilt, others uncut; backstrip faded, short splits in upper hinge but sound. £45

58 BRAUNGART, Richard. Neue Deutsche ExLibris. Zweite Folge. Franz Hanfstaengl, Munchen, 1919 Second Edition, enlarged, no.217 of 1000 copies; 4to., pp.xxxvi,(7)index + 96 plates with captioned tissue guards, several in colour; original half vellum, gilt, decorated paper sides, top edge gilt, others uncut. A nice copy of this deluxe production. £45

59 BRAUNGART, Richard. [& Others] ExLibriskunst und Gebrauchsgraphik. Zeitschrift fur Kunstfreunde und Sammler. Heft I. Gleichsam 3. Deutschen ExLibrisgesellschaft, 1950 Folio, pp.28; full-page & smaller illustrations throughout in line & half-tone; two specimens mounted on thick cartridge; one corner bumped, otherwise well preserved; silk-sewn in printed pictorial wrappers. The first year of this journal which continued until 1978 when it was superceded by 'Exlibriskunst und Graphik'. £12

60 BRETT, Simon. LEE, Brian North. Bookplates by Simon Brett. The Fleece Press, Wakefield, [1989] FIRST EDITION limited to 220 copies (& 40 specials); pp.57 + colophon; 26 wood-engravings printed from the blocks on dampened Zerkall mould-made paper; a fine copy of this handsome production in original cloth-backed boards with patterned paper designed by Simon Brett. Comprises BNL's essay & chronological check-list and 'An artist's approach' by Simon Brett. Laid in is an original bookplate, 'Ganymede', which Brett produced for Lee. 'No other bookplate of mine caused such a mini-furore. Unclothed ladies flaunting themselves are fine, but my chaste Ganymede ought presumably to have been in Bermuda shorts or Y-fronts.' Lee, My Personal Bookplates. £75

61 BRITZE, Friedrich & Johannes. RASMUSSEN, Kristen. The life and work of Friedrich and Johannes Britze. Exlibristen, [Klaus Rodel, Frederikshavn, 1980] FIRST EDITION, no.149 of 275 copies; pp.95; illustrations throughout; very good in printed stiff wrappers; two proof specimens laid in. £30

62 BRITZE, Friedrich & Johannes. RASMUSSEN, Kristen. The life and work of Friedrich and Johannes Britze. Dansk Exlibris Selskab, Copenhagen, 1982. FIRST EDITION, pp.95; illustrations throughout; very good in printed stiff wrappers. A reissue of the Rodel edition by the Danish Bookplate Society for the participants of the XIX international Exlibris Congress.. £25

63 BUDAN, Comte Emile de. Guide International des Collectionneurs d'Ex-Libris. Orne de bois originaux de C. Monnet d'une planche hors texte de P.A. Gariazzo et de nombreuses reproductions d'Ex-Libris. Henri Schioppo, Turin, 1907 FIRST EDITION, no.106 of 500 copies; pp.98(20)adverts + 16pp. 'Supplement - L'Ex-Libris Alexander Hohenbuch. Causerie-Preface du Marquis Faustino Curlo'; Budan plate tipped-in at front, illustrations & decorations throughout, several full-page; well preserved in crimson cloth-backed marbled boards. £45

64 BULL, William. Knightage, 1928: A list of the existing recipients of the honour of knighthood, together with a short account of the origin, objects, and work of the Imperial Society of Knights Bachelor. Fourteenth Edition. Fowler Wright, 1928 Pp.268; well preserved in original crimson cloth. £24

65 BURIOT-DARSILES, H. DENIER, Marc. Essai de Repertoire des Ex-Libris anciens et nouveaux interessant le Bourbonnais. Des Cahiers du Centre, Moulins, 1930 FIRST EDITION limited to 300 copies, sm.4to., pp.(6)46 + colophon; illustrations throughout; a little dog-eared; printed wrappers worn with crude repair to backstrip, free endpaper adhering to front wrapper, but serviceable. Inscribed 'Donne par Robert Dernier le 26 Aout 1942'. £25

66 BURKE, Ashworth P. Family Records. Harrison and Sons, 1897 FIRST EDITION, pp.xii,709; arms in line throughout; a sound copy in original red cloth, gilt, backstrip faded. £48

67 BURKE, John & John Bernard. Heraldic Illustrations, comprising the Armorial Bearings of the Principal Families of the Empire; with Pedigrees and Annotations. E. Churton, 1844/6 FIRST EDITION, 3vols., sm.4to., pp.(24) prelims., mottoes & index; extra engraved title, frontispiece & dedication leaf in each volume & and 146 engraved heraldic plates, each with accompanying letterpress explanatory text; some off-setting throughout but a handsome set of this attractive production (Whittingham printed with characteristic typographic ornament) in full tan morocco, extravagantly gilt on sides & backs; double morocco labels; all edges gilt; backstrips uniformly a little faded; ex libris Robert Chambre Vaughan of Burlton Hall, Shropshire. £265

68 BURKE, Sir Bernard, Ulster King Of Arms. The Book of Orders of Knighthood and decorations of honour of all nations. Hurst and Blackett, 1858 FIRST EDITION, lg.8vo., pp.viii,411,16 Illustrated advertiser; 99 coloured plates (of 100, lacking frontis. as often found); very good in original blind-stamped cloth, gilt; splits in hinges, head & tail of backstrip frayed, but sound. £55

69 BURKE, Sir Bernard. A Genealogical History of the Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited and Extinct Peerages of the British Empire. Harrison, 1883. [Reprinted in facsimile by] Burke's Peerage / Genealogical Publishing, Baltimore, 1985 Pp.xii,642; frontis.; well preserved in slightly bumped original blue cloth. £25

70 BURKE, Sir Bernard. A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies of England, Ireland, and Scotland. Second Edition, 1841. [Reprinted in facsimile by] Burke's Peerage / Genealogical Publishing, Baltimore, 1985 Pp.(6)644(4)supplement; shields in line throughout; well preserved in original blue cloth. £25

71 BURKE, Sir Bernard. The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.... Harris, 1884. [Second Edition with a supplement, reprinted in facsimile for] Heraldry Today, 1984 Pp.(6)cxxx,1185; a good copy in original red cloth; extremities rubbed but sound. £60

72 BURKE. MONTGOMERY-MASSINGBERD, Hugh [Editor] Burke's Family Index. Burke's Peerage Ltd, 1976. FIRST EDITION, pp.xxxii,171; very good in slightly soiled dust-wrapper. £15

73 BUTLER, Prof. W.E. [Editor] KALASHNIKOV, Anatolii Ivanovich. Vignettes of Bookplate Collecting in Leningrad, 1981. bound with: Contemporary Soviet Bookplate Design, 1982. bound with: The Graphic Works of Anatolii Ivanovich Kalashnikov, 1982. Studies in Bookplate History. Russia Series 1, 2 & 3. [The Author] 1981/2 3 works in 1 vol., FIRST EDITIONS, limited to150, 350 & 250 copies respectively; pp.viii,58; viii,95; viii,91(3); illustrations throughout; inscribed 'To Peter Allpress, With the author's best wishes - Bill Butler 17.ix.81'. Green silk binding (backstrip faded), original card wrappers bound in. £45

74 BUTLER, W.E. Leslie C. Benenson. Exlibristen [Frederikshavn] 1986 Limited to 300 numbered copies; lg.8vo., pp.28 + colophon; tipped-in plate signed by Benenson, title vignette & 15 other illustrations; very good in pictorial card wrapper. £18

75 BUTLER, W.E. & D.J. Modern British Bookplates. Silent Books, Cambridge, 1990. FIRST EDITION, 12mo., pp.58; illustrations throughout with short notes on forty-two contemporary artists and advice on commissioning a bookplate. A very good copy in laminated pictorial boards. £10

76 BUTLER, William E. & Darlene J. The Golden Era of American bookplate design. The Bookplate Society, 1986. FIRST EDITION, no.474 of 900 copies; sm.folio,pp.165 + colophon; 100 illustrations; very good in crimson leather-backed marbled boards, original wrapper bound in, together with Butler's article, 'English artists & American bookplate design'. A biographical dictionary of bookplate designers with introductory essays. £30

77 CADONI, Basilio. DES SOLE, Francesco. Ex Libris Lago Maggiore. 2° Concorso Internazionale. Edizioni Nastro, Germignana, 1994 FIRST EDITION, pp.221; full-page illustrations throughout, many in colour; very good in pictorial wrappers; prospectus laid in. £20

78 CAMBIN, Gastone. Gli Ex Libris Araldici nella Svizzera Italiana. Societa Svizzera di Araldica, 1978 FIRST EDITION, pp.120; 56 illustrations; very good in printed wrappers. £20

79 CAPON, Charles R. Bookplates. A Selection from the work of Charles R. Capon. Together with a foreword and complete check list of over fifty plates. Compiled by Francis W. Allen and Argie B. Allen. The Anthoensen Press, Portland, Maine, FIRST EDITION, no.53 of 500 copies; pp.30(2); frontispiece & 7 other engraved plates in various single colours, one tipped-in; very good in green cloth & slip-case (a little worn). £25

80 CARDINALE, Hyginus Eugene. Orders of Knighthood Awards and The Holy See. Van Duren, Gerards Cross, 1983 FIRST EDITION, pp.332; 16 colour plates & numerous illustrations in half-tone & line; very good in dust-wrapper. £20

81 CARLISLE, Nicholas. A Concise Account of the Several Foreign Orders of Knighthood... [Facsimile reprint of the original edition, John Hearne, 1839] Naval & Military Press, 1992,582; pencilled notes on endpaper; a very good copy in dust-wrapper. £45

82 CARTER, Thomas. Medals of The British Army, and how they were won. Egypt, Peninsula, Waterloo, and South Africa. [vol.II] The Crimean Campaign. [vol.III] India, China, Etc. Groombridge and Sons, 1861 FIRST EDITION, 3 vols. bound in 1; pp.viii,191; x,185; viii,192; 25 plates in colours & gold; a good set in modern maroon buckram, lettered in gold. £85

83 CARVER, Clifford N. Book-Plates of Well-Known Americans. Princeton University Press, 1911 FIRST EDITION, no.166 of 250 copies, signed by the author; pp.48; frontis & 18 tipped-in plates; a good copy of this attractive production in original printed boards, backstrip sometime reinforced with leather; extremities rubbed but sound. Ex Libris H.E. Jones. £75

84 CASTLE, Egerton. English Book-Plates Ancient and Modern. George Bell, 1893 Second edition, enlarged; pp.xx,352; coloured frontispiece & fifteen copperplates; full-page & vignette illustrations throughout, several emblazoned in gold; top edge gilt, others uncut; some light spotting but a good copy in modern marbled boards, ms. paper label. An excellent survey with index & much on contemporary designers; revised & enlarged from the original edition of 1892. £35

85 CASTLE, Egerton. English Book-Plates Ancient and Modern. George Bell, 1894. Pp.xx,352; coloured frontispiece & fifteen copperplates; full-page & vignette illustrations throughout; a good copy in original green silk, top edge gilt, others uncut; hinges split but sides secure. An excellent survey with index & much on contemporary designers; enlarged from the first edition of 1892. £20

86 CHAMBERS, Jay, JORDAN, William, STONE, Wilbur Macey. A few Bookplates and other dainty devices by The Triptych. The Triptych Designers, New York City, 1900 FIRST EDITION limited to 250 copies; pp.(32); 12 designs printed in sepia, full-page on rectos only; some light browning but a good copy of this attractive production on hand-made paper; printed stiff wrappers. Extremely scarce. £85

87 CHASSANT, Alph. et DELBARRE, P. - J. Dictionnaire de Sigillographie pratique contenant Toutes les notions propres a faciliter l'etude et l'interpretation des Sceaux du Moyen Age. Dumoulin, Paris, 1860 FIRST EDITION, pp.(4)viii,264; 15 plates of seals at end; well preserved in contemporary half green morocco; rubbed but sound. £45

88 CHAZELLE, H. Les Ex-Libris Franc-Comtois Modernes. Imprimerie Chazelle, Dole, 1958 FIRST EDITION, pp.(4)66; Illustrations throughout including several in colour; a good uncut copy in original printed wrappers (minor repairs); ex libris Raymond Prevost. £25

89 CHENEY, Sheldon [Editor] The Book-plate Booklet. Volume[s] One - Four. [California Bookplate Society], At the Sign of the Berkeley Oak, Berkeley, California, 1906 - 1911 FIRST EDITIONS, 4vols. bound in two; pp.86; 76; 72; 68; (vol.3 no.4 is marked 'copy no.1 of 400); illustrations throughout including many tipped-in specimens, some colour; a very nice uncut set in sumptuous full tan crushed morocco, gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut; for The Book Lovers Shop, Cleveland. Ex Libris Harry Alfred Fowler, who became publisher of the series. His bookplates signed by the designer, C.W. Sherborn, whose work is featured in vol.3, no.4. £265

90 CLANDERMOND, [Andrew] Count of. Three Centuries of Niadh Nask Bookplates. Withe a foreword by The MacCarthy Mor, Prince of Desmond. Black Eagle Press for The Niadh Nask, 1997. FIRST EDITION, pp.xii,41(8); 43 plates of Ex Libris including 6 colour tipped in; one corner lightly creased, otherwise well preserved in pictorial laminated card covers. £20

91 CLARK, Hugh. An Introduction to Heraldry... Embellished with forty-eight engravings.. The fourteenth edition - improved and enlarged. Henry Washbourne & Co., 1845 12mo., pp.xii,267; extra pictorial coloured title & 48 hand-coloured plates, most with multiple images; a very good copy in modern crimson cloth-backed marbled boards. £35

92 CLARK, Hugh. A Concise History of Knighthood. Containing the religious and military orders which have been instituted in Europe.... In two volumes. W. Strahan [& many others] 1784 FIRST EDITION, 2vol., pp.xii,285; 268; 82 copperplates; a very good set in contemporary half calf, sometime rebacked retaining original backstrips; double morocco labels. 'With descriptions of their mantles, caps, collars, stars, ribbons, and mottoes. Also accounts of the installations of the Garter, Bath, Thistle and St.Patrick and the correct lists of the Knights of each. To which is added the ancient ceremonies used at Duels, Combats, Justs and Tournaments.' £750

93 CLARK, Keith. Bookplates of the Nineties. A brief survey of British bookplate design in the Eighteen Nineties. James Wilson & The Bookplate Society, [c1976] FIRST EDITION, pp.23; 38 illustrations on 24 plates; well preserved in red cloth, original pictorial card covers bound in. £18

94 CLUB OF ODD VOLUMES. KOEHLER, S.R. & Hedwig J. Catalogue of a Loan Exhibition of Book-Plates and Super-Libros held by The Club of Odd Volumes, At the Museum of Fin Arts, April 25th to June 5th, 1898. Alfred Mudge, Boston, 1898 Pp.xxviii,189; 10 half-tone plates; very good in cloth-backed marbled boards retaining original wrappers (repaired). 2218 items exhibited, with useful indexes of designers & engravers and owners. £45

95 COLE, Herbert. Heraldry, Decoration and Floral Forms. With drawings by the Author. Bracken Books, 1988 Sm.4to., pp.(6)248; illustrations in line throughout; very good in dust-wrapper. Facsimile reprint of the original 1922 edition. £8

96 COLGATE, William. The Bookplates of Leslie Victor Smith. Illustrated with original prints in addition to a full check-list and introduction. The Old Rectory Press, Weston, Ontario, 1947 No.187 of 200 copies (175 for sale); pp.20; frontispiece, mounted half-title plate & 12 leaves of tipped-in bookplates; very good in original green cloth; slightly rubbed at extremities. Ex libris P.A. Fournier de la Societe Alcuin. £55

97 COMTESSE, A. Les Ex-Libris de Jean Kauffmann Graveur a Lucerne. H. Daragon, Paris, 1919 FIRST EDITION, pp.58; 5 engraved plates & 22 text figures; original printed wrappers, slight wear at head & tail of backstrip but a nice copy. £30

98 CORDER, Joan. A Dictionary of Suffolk Crests. Heraldic Crests of Suffolk Families. The Boydell Press, 1998. FIRST EDITION, pp.xx(254); 8 facsimiles; a very good copy in the dust-wrapper. (Published at £30). £20

99 CORWEGH, Dr Robert NATHANSOHN, Julius [Editors] Ex Libris Buchkunst und Angewandte Graphik. Jahrgang 23 Heft Nr. 1 - 4; Jahrgang 24 Nr. 2 , 3/4; Jahrgang 25 Nr. 1, 2, 3/4. Deutschen Vereins fur Exlibriskunst... Otto von Holten, Berlin, 1913-15 11 parts (of 12, including two double issues), bound in two vols., pp.212,28; X,(65-)156,(9-)22; VIII(10)132,14; illustrations & tip-ins throughout; a beautiful production, full of good things, which must have lost the publishers a deal of money. A well preserved collection in modern crimson cloth-backed boards with all original wrappers bound in. £350

100 COSSMANN, Alfred. Alfred Cossmann. Ein Wiener Kunstlerleben. Osterreichische Staatsdruckerei, Wien, 1945. FIRST EDITION, lg.8vo., pp.140(6) + 64 plates, most with multiple images including many bookplates; a good copy in original blue cloth. £15

101 COSTA Y TURELL, Modesta. Tratado completo de la ciencia del blason Código heráldico-histórico,... Barcelona, 1856. [Facsimile reprint for] Biblioteca Valenciana, 1985 Pp.(8)251,iv; 6 plates; very good in facsimile wrappers. £15

102 CRAIG, Edward Gordon. Nothing or The Bookplate. With a Handlist by E. Carrick. J.M. Dent & Sons, 1931. Pp.(8)26(2) + 25 leaves of tipped-in bookplate specimens, some coloured; slight foxing throughout as usual but a good copy in original cloth-backed boards & worn dust-wrapper. Includes a checklist of 122 designs by Craig; the specimens include bookplates for Isadora Duncan, Ellen Terry, John Drew and Haldane Macfall. Printed at Curwen; originally issued by Chatto & Windus, 1924, in an edition of 280 copies. £45

103 CRUIKSHANK, Lieut.-Col. E.A. The Origin and Official History of the Thirteenth Battalion of Infantry and a Description of the Work of the Early Militia on the Niagara Peninsula in the War of 1812 and the Rebellion of 1937. E.L. Ruddy, Hamilton, [Ontario]1899. [Facsimile reprint, n.p., n.d. c1980] 4to., pp.88; illustrations thoughout; very good in printed card covers. £20

104 DARAGON, H. Des Ex-Libris de Guerre. Cachets, Marques, etc. [Article from] Revue International, [Paris, 1919] Folio, pp.108; 211 illustrations; incut in old marbled wrappers. £45

105 DARAGON, H. [Editor] Almanach de Ex-Libriste pour 1921 Premiere Annee. 130 illustrations. H. Daragon, Editeur, Paris, [1920] FIRST EDITION, pp.206(2); illustrations in line throughout; well preserved in original printed wrappers. Essays include Eden Phillpotts on Frank Brangwyn and Ex Libris developments in England, and others on Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Russia & Switzerland. A second issue appeared the following year. £45

106 DARAGON, H. [Editor] Almanach de l'Ex-Libriste pour 1922. Deuxieme Annee. L'Ex-Libris Ancien et Moderne en Belgique, en France, en Italie, en Suisse. chez H. Daragon, Paris, 1922. Pp.130(2); 54 illustrations; a good copy in remains of original decorated wrappers. 8 illustrated essays. The second (& final) issue. £35

107 DE FARCY, P. Les Ex-Libris Manceaux anterieurs au XIXe Siecle. H. Daragon, Paris [&] V.A. Goupil, Laval, 1908 FIRST EDITION, pp.90; illustrations throughout; a very good copy in contemporary quarter navy morocco, vellum tips (for J. & E. Bumpus); original wrappers bound in. £65

108 DE FILIPPIS, Mario. Gli ex libris: illustri sconosciuti. Mercata Nazionale del Mobile Antico, Cortona, 1984 First Separate Editon, pp.(31-)42; 24 illustrations; printed in sepia; very good in printed wrappers. Author's compts. slip laid in, pencil marked 'Don. Gift from Author 15/2/86'. £10

109 DE FLUVIA, Armand. Diccionari general d'heraldica. Edhasa, 1982 FIRST EDITION, pp.243; very good in laminate card covers. Catalan dictionary of heraldry with glossary in French, Castilian, Italian & English. £20

110 [DE LA MOTTE, Col. Philip] The Principal, Historical, and Allusive, Arms, borne by Families of the United Kingdon of Great Britain and Ireland. Collected by an Antiquary. J. Nichols and Son [& others] 1803 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.viii,552; 194 large engraved arms; occasional light spotting but a very nice copy in modern full tan calf, gilt. 'This useless and in many places nonsensical, compilation is usually attributed to Col. [Phillip] De la Motte. The major part of the impression was destroyed in the fire at Nichols' Printing Office.' Lowndes I.70/1. £225

111 DEGOUY, Nelly. In Memoriam. [Portfolio of eleven wood engravings printed from the blocks by] Krol & Courton Press, Graphia, Antwerp, 1980. FIRST EDITION limted to 850 numbered copies; pp.(4) introduction & colophon and eleven leaves of wood-engravings, loose in original printed folder as issued. Folder differentially faded, otherwise very good. £20

112 DIBDIN, Thomas Frognall. Bibliomania: or book-madness; a bibliographical romance. Illustrated with cuts. New and improved edition. Chatto & Windus, 1876. Pp.xviii,618,xxxiv(indices); plates, vignettes & illustrations in text throughout including mounted photographs; small loss from bottom gutter margin of first two leaves, some light browning but a good copy in original green roan-backed maroon cloth, top edge gilt, hinges & extremities rubbed but sound.. £85

113 DIRICK, Jos. L. Ex-Libris Belges. Compositions de: Rassenfosse, Donnay, Van Offel, Doudelet, Teirlinck, Minne, Knopff, Van Acker, Van Neste, Titz, Beauck, Tielemans, Hannotiau, Rels, Rottmeyer, etc. Xavier Havermans, Misch & Thron, Bruxelles, [1911] FIRST EDITION, no.417 of 500 copies, pp.(2)19; 44 illustrations printed on rectos only + 14 tipped-in plates; contemporary morocco-backed marbled boards, gilt; a nice copy of an uncommon work. £75

114 DIXSON, Zella Allen. Concerning Book-Plates. A Handbook for Collectors. With illustrations and plates. Wisteria Cottage Press, Chicago, 1903 FIRST EDITION, pp.xv(5)217; 30 plates; a nice copy in original decorated cloth of this attractive production, top edge gilt, others uncut. Much on artists & collectors; published by the author, lecturer & librarian at the University of Chicago. £45

115 DOD. Dod's Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of Great Britain and Ireland. The Illustrated Edition for 1904 includes All the Titled Classes. Gilbert & Rivington, 1904 No.37 of 500 copies, lg.8vo., Pp.1147 (incl. adverts.); 560 plates; well preserved in original cream cloth (grubby but sound). The deluxe illustrated edition. £30

116 DORLING, H. Taprell. PURVES, Alec A. Ribbons and Medals. Edited and revised by Alec A. Purves. Osprey, 1983 Sm.4to., pp.320; 16 leaves of colour plates (of ribbons) & half-tone medals throughout; very good in dust-wrapper. £15

117 DOUGLAS-MORRIS, Capt. K. Naval General Service Medal Roll 1793-1840 [Privately Printed for the Author, 1962] FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.403; complete as issued, without title or prelims.; very good in navy buckram, lettered in gold. £35

118 DOUGLAS-MORRIS, Kenneth. Naval Medals 1857 -1880. Privately Printed, Bournemouth, 1994 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.xxiv,436; 5 colour & 82 other illustrations, 15 sketch-maps; very good in original blue rexine & slip-case. £85

119 DOUGLAS-MORRIS, Kenneth. Naval Medals 1793-1856. Privately Printed, 1987 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.xvi,542; illustrations & sketch-maps; very good in original blue rexine & slip-case. £85

120 DOW, George. Railway Heraldry and other insignia. David & Charles, 1973 FIRST EDITION, pp.269; 24 plates & numerous monochrome illustrations; very good in dust-wrapper. With 16pp, Supplement, 1985, laid in. £25

121 DOYLE, Sir Arthur Conan. OSORIO DE CALHEIROS, Francisco. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Academia Portuguese de Ex-Libris, [Lisbon] 1960 FIRST EDITION, no.172 of 200 copies, signed by the author; pp.28; 7 plates; very good in printed wrappers. £30

123 DUARTE, Sergio Avelar. Ex-Libris Portugueses Heraldicos. Civilizacao, Porto, 1990 FIRST EDITION, lg.4to., pp.xx,490; 1303 illustrations; very good in printed card covers. An excellent resource with detailed captions & useful index & bibliography. £85

124 DUNIN-HORKAWICZ, Cecylia. HANRATH, Joh. J. Het Exlibris in Polen. Exlibriskring der W.B. Vereniging, Amsterdam, 1969 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.56; 4 tipped-in specimens in colour & numerous illustrations in line & half-tone throughout; well preserved in printed wrappers (a little browned). £15

125 ELVIN, Charles Norton A Hand-Book of the Orders of Chivalry War Medals & Crosses with their clasps and ribbons and other decorations. With illustrations. Dean & Son., F.W. Count, East Dereham, 1893 FIRST EDITION., 4to., 32 litho. plates, 28 in colours, silver & gold (incl. title), with accompanying text (unpaginated); 3 leaves of text in facsimile, otherwise well preserved in original red cloth, gilt. £65

126 ELVIN, Charles Norton. A Dictionary of Heraldry. With upwards of two thousand and five hundred illustrations. 1889. [Facsimile reprint by] Heraldry Today, 1970 Lg.8vo., pp.(8)134(2)errata; 47 plates & accompanying text pages; very good in the dust-wrapper. £30

127 ESDAILE, Arundell. The British Museum Library. A short history and survey. George Allen & Unwin, 1948. Pp.388; a very good copy in original cloth and lightly-soiled dust-wrapper. £10

128 EX-LIBRISTAS IBERICOS. BALLESTEROS, Jose M. Gutierrez, Conde de Colombi. [& many others] Ex-Libris. [In two volumes] Publicacion de la Associacion de Ex-Libristas Ibericos, Madrid, 1952/61 FIRST EDITION. no.53 of 250 copies; complete in 20 parts bound into two volumes; parts I-IX pp.32; part X 36; issued bi-annually; parts XI - XX issued annually in double-numbers each of 64pp.; final part extended to 87pp. by addition of indexes to Parts I-X. Illustrations, tip-ins & proof plates throughout; a fine set of this handsome production in crimson leather-backed marbled boards. £350

129 EXLIBRISKRING AMSTERDAM. Van Woord tot Beeld. Nederlandse kunstenaars illustreren tien gedichten. Exlibriskring der W.B. Vereniging, Amsterdam, 1986 FIRST EDITION limited to 400 copies, pp.(44) + colophon; illustrations throughout including 3 tipped-in specimens; very good in printed wrappers; a beautiful production. £25

130 FARMER, John S. The Regimental Records of the British Army. A historical Resume Chronologically Arranged of Titles, Campaigns, Honours, Uniforms, Facimgs, Badges, Nicknames, etc. Illustrations by Richard Simkin. Crecy Books, 1984 Pp.(10)223(9)appendices; frontis. & 16 colour plates; badges in line throughout; very good in dust-wrapper. Facsimile reprint of the original 1901 edition. £15

131 FAUTEUX, Andrew. Les Chevaliers de Saint-Louis en Canada. Les Editions des Dix, Montreal, 1940 FIRST EDITION, no.10 of 1000 copies (+ 60 specials), pp.252; two plates (one in colour); a good uncut copy in original printed wrappers; backstrip a little worn with repair at head. £45

132 FELLOWES, Edmund H. The Knights of the Garter 1348-1939. With a complete list of the Stall-Plates in St. George's Chapel. SPCK for the Dean and Canons of St George's Chapel, Windsor, [1939] FIRST EDITION, pp.xvi,113(2); plate at end; a good copy in slightly rubbed original cloth, gilt. 4pp. supplement extending the list to1963, laid in, together with several related articles. £15

133 FERNANDEZ, Consuelo Angulo. GUERRA, Luisa Molina. Catalogo de Ex Libris de Bibliotecas Espanolas en la Biblioteca Nacional. Ministerio de Cultura, 1989 FIRST EDITION, pp.590; 176 illustrations in line & half-tone; a good copy in pictorial laminated card covers. £30

134 FINCHAM, Henry W. Artists and Engravers of British and American Book Plates. A Book of Reference for Book Plate and Print Collectors. Kegan Paul, 1897. FIRST EDITION, 1050 copies printed; 4to., pp.xvi,135; 74 bookplates illustrated on 24 plates; original decorated cloth, worn with splits in hinges but sound, endpapers renewed; extensive annotation & many loose notes inserted. 'Details of more than 1500 artists and engravers who have signed about 5000 plates... A few foreign engravers have been included in those cases where they have executed plates which come within the scope of this list, and the book plates of foreigners are also included when they are the work of British or American artists.' An essential reference. £85

135 FINCHAM, Henry W. Artists and Engravers of British and American Book Plates. A Book of Reference for Book Plate and Print Collectors. Kegan Paul, 1897. FIRST EDITION, one of 15 Large Paper & Extra-Illustrated copies; lg. 4to., 335 x 260mm. pp.xvi,135; 77 bookplates illustrated on 57 plates, some signed by the artist; uncut in original printed wrappers. 'With a duplicate set of fifty-seven Plates on Japanese paper'; the whole preserved in original pink silk-covered box, lettered in gold; silk ties detached, extremities rubbed but generally well preserved. 15 deluxe sets were sold, the colophon to this copy annotated in pencil & signed, 'and this special copy for the author H.W. Fincham'. £550

136 FINCHAM, Henry W. Artists and Engravers of British and American Book Plates. A Book of Reference for Book Plate and Print Collectors. Kegan Paul, 1897. FIRST EDITION, no.41 of 50 Large Paper copies, signed by the author, lg. 4to. (340 x 260mm), pp.xvi,135; 74 bookplates illustrated on 24 plates; original vellum-backed printed boards, top edge gilt, others uncut; boards a little browned at edges, slight wear at centre of fore-edges, but well preserved; prospectus laid in: 'large paper edition all sold'. 'Details of more than 1500 artists and engravers who have signed about 5000 plates... A few foreign engravers have been included in those cases where they have executed plates which come within the scope of this list, and the book plates of foreigners are also included when they are the work of British or American artists.' An essential reference. £180

137 FLETCHER, H. George [Editor] A Miscellany for Bibliophiles. Foreward by William Targ. Grastorf & Lang, New York, 1979 FIRST EDITION, pp.xvi,303 + errata slip; illustrations in line & half-tone; very good in original cloth & acetate wrapper. 11 essays: Of Dealers and Collectors, Robert H. Taylor; Looking into Provenance, Robert Nikirk; Inscribed Books & Literary Scholarship, Salvatore lacone; The Graphic Confluence of 1800, Leonard B. Schlosser; John Ruskin: The Development of a Private Collection, R. Dyke Benjamin; Identifying & Classifying Fine Bindings, Jamie Kleinberg Shalleck; Looking for Mr. Pickering, Philip Sperling; The Author as Book Designer, Barbara J. Kline; Incunabular Detective Fiction, Otto Penzler; Early American Newspapers: Roger N. Mohovich; Over Against Saint Paul's, H. George Fletcher. £12

138 FOGEDGAARD, Helmer Danske Exlibris. Gennem de Sidste 25 Ar 1941-1966. Dansk Exlibris, Selskab, 1966 FIRST EDITION, no.683 of 800 copies; pp.221 + colophon; 105 full-page illustrations including several tipped-in specimens; well preserved in original card wrappers, bruised at edges. £24

139 FORD, Hugh. Published in Paris. American and British Writers, Printers, and Publishers in Paris, 1920-1939. With a foreword by Janet Flanner. Garnstone Press, 1975 FIRST EDITION, pp.xviii,453; illustrations throughout; very good in dust-wrapper. £8

140 FOWLER, Alfred [Editor] The Bookplate Booklet. Volume 4, nos. 3 & 4. September / December 1911. Alfred Fowler, Kansas City, 1911 FIRST EDITION, 2 numbers, pp.(35-)68; illustrations throughout including 3 tipped-in specimens; well preserved in original silk-sewn printed card covers; invitation card, press notice & 4pp. vol.4 title & index laid in. 8 parts (2 vols.) appeared in all. £35

141 FOWLER, Alfred [Editor] The Bookplate Annual for 1924. Alfred Fowler, Kansas City, 1924 FIRST EDITION limited to 500 copies; lg.4to., pp.58(2);30 illustrations & proofs; uncut in original blue boards, rubbed & chipped at head & tail of backstrip, but sound. Includes Guthrie on Sidney Hunt's bookplates; Sidney Smith illustrated article & check-list, &c. £25

142 FOWLER, Alfred [Editor] The Bookplate Annual for 1925. Alfred Fowler, Kansas City, 1925 FIRST EDITION limited to 500 copies; lg.4to., pp.53(2);23 illustrations & proofs; uncut in original blue boards, rubbed & worn backstrip, but sound. Includes Dugald Stewart Walker, D.Y. cameron, Robert Anning Bell, &c. £25

143 FOWLER, Alfred [Editor] The Bookplate Annual for 1921. Alfred Fowler, Kansas City, 1921. FIRST EDITION limited to 500 copies; lg.4to., pp.51(5); 26 plates including several in colour & seven illustrating Haldane Macfall's article on The Bookplates of Frank Brangwyn; a good copy in lightly soiled original cream boards, extremities rubbed & a little worn at head & tail of backstrip; ex libris Mary Eleanor Lloyd. £30

144 FOWLER, Alfred [Editor] The Bookplate Annual for 1922, Alfred Fowler, Kansas City, 1922 FIRST EDITION limited to 500 copies; lg.4to., pp.54(2); frontis. & 26 plates (one in colour); faint gutter-margin waterstain affects first & final leaves, but generally well preserved in lightly soiled original cream boards, slight wear at head & tail of backstrip. Includes: Teall on Allen Lewis & Finberg on Sturge Moore. £30

145 FOWLER, Alfred [Editor] The Bookplate Annual for 1923. Alfred Fowler, Kansas City, 1923 FIRST EDITION limited to 500 copies; lg.4to., pp.47(8); frontis. & 37 plates; lightly soiled original cream boards, backstrip defective with loss but sides firmly held; 4pp. illustrated prospectus laid in. Includes: Starr on Mexican Bookplates; Guthrie on Harold Nelson; Townley on The Bookplates of Horace Walpole & his contemporaries. £24

146 FOWLER, Alfred. A Directory of Bookplate Artists. With notes concerning their work. Alfred Fowler, Kansas City, 1921. FIRST EDITION, pp.29; a good uncut copy in original printed stiff wrapper (slightly dust-soiled). £20

147 FOX-DAVIES, Arthur Charles. Armorial Families. A Directory of Some Gentlemen of Coat-Armour. Fifth Edition. T.C. & E.C. Jack, Edinburgh, 1905 Lg.8vo., pp.xxxii,1524; 51 plates in colours, silver & gold and arms illustrated in line throughout; original brown buckram, shaken, hinges & head & tail of backstrip crudely reinforced with tape, top edge gilt, others uncut. £45

148 FOX-DAVIES, Arthur. The Book of Public Arms. A Complete Encyclopaedia of all Royal, Territorial, Municipal, Corporate, Official and Impersonal Arms. T.C. & E.C. Jack, 1915. Revised (& best) edition, folio, pp.xx,878; over 1300 arms illustrated in line; a good uncut copy in original green cloth; extremities worn, splits in upper hinge & backstrip but serviceable. £40

149 FRANCK, Helmut. Jugendstil - Exlibris. Prisma Verlag, Gutersloh, 1984 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.148; illustrations throughout in line & half-tone; very good in dust-wrapper (tear repaired). £10

150 FRANK, Sepp. Ex Libris V. [Portfolio of 10 Bookplates, numbered & signed by the artist.] Franz Hanfstaengl, Munchen, 1922 FIRST EDITION, no,73 of 100 sets on Van Gelder handmade paper; lg.4to., (330 x 260mm); 10 proof etchings, bifolium title, list & colophon; contained within original black card portfolio; rubbed & corners bumped but sound. This fifth collections contains ex libris for: Erich Dorschfeld, Dr. jur W. Fahrenhorst, Elisabeth Frank, Herzog Géza és Irénke Könyve, Margarete Levy, Jordi Monsalvatje, Emil W. Netter, Dr. ing. Ernst Pichl, Doris Alexandra Rebel, Dr. A. Siegrist-Müller. £225

151 FRANKS COLLECTION. HOWE, E.R.J. Gambier. Catalogue of British and American Book Plates bequeathed to the... British Museum by Sir Augustus Wollaston Franks. [In three volumes] British Museum, 1903/4. FIRST EDITION, 3vols; pp.x,458; (4)443; (6)387; frontis. & 18 copperplate engravings; neat pencilled marginalia throughout; somewhat shaken in original black cloth, gilt; inner & outer hinges reinforced with tape, but a sound copy of this most valuable resource for pre-20thC Ex Libris, comprising over 35,000 bookplates. £300

152 FRANKS, Sir Augustus Wollaston. CAYGILL, Margaret & CHERRY, John [Editors] A.W. Franks. Nineteenth-Century collecting and the British Museum. British Museum Press, 1997 FIRST EDITION, pp.(xii,372; 32 half-tone plates; very good in dust-wrapper. The 17 essays include Brian North Lee on 'Franks as a bookplate collector'. £15

153 FRANKS, Sir Augustus Wollaston. WILSON, David M. The Forgotten Collector. Augustus Wollaston Franks of the British Museum. Thames and Hudson, 1984 FIRST EDITION, pp.63; 39 illustrations in line & half-tone; very good in dust-wrapper; review laid in. £10

154 FRIAR, Stephen [Editor] A New Dictionary of Heraldry. A. & C. Black, 1987. FIRST EDITION, pp.384; over 100 illustrations in colour & monochrome; very good in dust-wrapper. £20

155 FRIEND, George. BEDDINGHAM, P.C. The Bookplates of George Taylor Friend OBE (1881 - 1969) Second Edition. [James Wilson for the Author] 1972. A4 format; ff.xii,35; printed on rectos only; frontispiece & 7 facsimile plates; green cloth, gilt, backstrip faded, original pictorial card wrappers bound in. Expanded & corrected from the original edition of 1963. Ex Libris H.E. Jones with several neat annotations. £25

156 FULLER, George W. [Editor] A Bibliography of Bookplate Literature. Bibliographical Work by Verna B. Grimm. Some Random Thoughts on Bookplate Literature by Winward Prescott. Spokane Public Library, 1926. Republished by Gale Research, Detroit, 1973. 12mo., pp.151; a very good copy in russet cloth; c.1,000 entries with pagination & brief notes on editions; with a 7pp. Supplement of Books Containing Material of Value on Bookplates & 30pp. subject index. Useful reprint of the original edition which was limited to 500 copies. £25

157 FULLER, George W. [Editor] A Bibliography of Bookplate Literature. Bibliographical Work by Verna B. Grimm. Some Random Thoughts on Bookplate Literature by Winward Prescott. Spokane Public Library, 1926 FIRST EDITION, no.326 of 500 copies, signed by the editor; pp.151; a very good unopened copy in original maroon cloth. c.1,000 entries with pagination & brief notes on editions; with a 7pp. Supplement of Books Containing Material of Value on Bookplates & 30pp. subject index. £25

158 GADE, Gerhard. Norwegian Ex Libris. Society of Book-plate Bibliophiles, Boston, 1917 FIRST EDITION, no.32 of 300 copies; pp.(12) + 20 leaves of illustrations printed on rectos only; a handsome production on Unbleached Arnold hand-made paper; original boards, paper label; a few tape marks but sound. Ex libris William Gable with his signature at foot of end-paper; inscribed above 'To William Gable with best wishes from Gerhard Gade. Lake Forest, Illinois, July 21, 1917'. Later ex libris of Frank L. Hadley. £45

159 GADE, John A. Book-Plates - Old and New. With illustrations by the Author. M.F. Mansfield, New York, 1898 FIRST EDITION, pp.52; frontis. & 10 plates with tissue guards; well preserved in lightly soiled linen-backed decorated boards, top edge gilt, others uncut. £20

160 GALBREATH, Donald Lindsay. Papal Heraldry. A Treatise on Ecclesiastical Heraldry. Part I. W. Heffer, Cambridge, 1930 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.xx,118; 6 colour plates & 196 figures in text; a very good copy in maroon cloth, gilt. £55

161 GALLOWAY, Peter. The Most Illustrious Order of St Patrick 1783-1983 Phillimore, 1983 FIRST EDITION, pp.xiv,146; 28 plates, some in colour; a good copy in bruised dust-wrapper; article laid in at end. £15

162 GAMA, Eurico. Catalogo dos Ex-Libris da Biblioteca Municipal de Elvas. Tipografia Casa Iberica, Elvas, 1966 FIRST EDITION, pp.136(16)index & advert.; illustrations in line & half-tone throughout; well preserved in printed wrappers. 267 plates described. £25

163 GARRETT, Edmund H. DOWNES, William Howe. Bookplates selected from the works of Edmund H. Garrett & a notice of them by William Howe Downes. The Trouts-dale-Press, Boston, 1904 FIRST EDITION, pp.(16); frontis. & 11 plates; various decorations & vignettes; well-printed on handmade paper; very good in japon-backed boards, paper label. £55

164 GAUDAEN, Gerard. WIJNGAERT, Frank van den. Gerard Gaudaen. Xylograaf. Eerste Map. Antwerpse ExLibris Kring, 1960 FIRST EDITION, pp.(4) + 16 exlibris, each on card mount, within printed card folder. £30

165 GAWLER, Jim. Lloyd's Medals 1836-1989. A history of medals awarded by The Corporation of Lloyd's. Hart Publishing, Toronto, 1989 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.180; illustrations in text; original pictorial laminated card covers, a little edge-wear. £20

166 GEIGER, Willi. SCHREYL, Karl Heinz. Exlibris. Gesamtverzeichnis bearbeitet Karl Heinz Schreyl. Heraugegeben von den Stadtgeschichtlichen Museen Nurnberg. Verlag Hans Carl, Nurnberg, 1979 FIRST EDITION, pp.viii,156; illustrations in line & half-tone throughout; very good in pictorial card covers. 347 plates described, with index. A few pencilled annotations. £25

167 GEISSLER, Willi. Zwölf Buchzeichen von Willi Geissler. Julius Zwisslers Verlag, Wolfenbuttel, 1920 FIRST EDITION; pp. (4) title & introduction by Chr. Kreutzfeldt & 12 mounted bookplates; well preserved in original printed wrapper (lightly rubbed & worn). £35

168 GELLI, Jacopo. Gli Ex Libris Italiani. Guida del raccoglitore. Ulrico Hoepli, Milano, 1930. [Reprinted in facsimile] Cisalpino Goliardica, Milano, 1976 Pp.lx,500; illustrations in line & half-tone throughout; pictorial card covers slightly rubbed but a good copy of the standard guide; occasional pencilled marginalia. £25

169 GEROSA, P[ier] L[uigi] Ex Libris 10 Artisti Italiani. BNEL, Como, 1980 No.207 of 550 copies; ten tipped-in full-page bookplate specimens on card mounds; very good in printed card folder & portfolio. Produced for the XVIIIth Congress at Linz. £15

170 GEROSA, Pier Luigi. Ex Libris 10 Artisti Italiani. BNEL, Rogeno, 1982 No.273 of 550 copies; pp.(6) + ten tipped-in full-page bookplate specimens using various colours & papers; very good in printed card folder & portfolio. Produced for the XIXth Congress at Oxford. £15

171 GILL, Eric. SKELTON, Christopher. [Compiler] The Engraved Bookplates of Eric Gill 1908-1940. With an introduction by Michael Renton and an afterword by Albert Sperisen. Private Libraries Association, 1986 FIRST EDITION, limited to 400 copies (+ 600 copies for Book Club of California); pp.80 + colophon; 54pp. of illustrations (a few in red & black); a very good copy of this handsome production of Christopher Skelton's September Press in original red silk cloth & pictorial dust-wrapper, review laid in. £45

172 GODFREY, Walter H. WAGNER, Sir Anthony. The College of Arms. Being the Sixteenth and Final Monograph of the London Survey Committee. Assisted by Sir Anthony Wagner... with a complete list of the Officers of Arms, prepared by... H. Stanford London. London Survey Committee, 1963. FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.xvi,344; 45 plates in line & half-tone (one folding) and arms in line throughout; a good copy in original cloth; cased upside down so inscription 'For Robert [Massey] With best wishes for 1972 from Rodney [Dennys] Somerset [Herald] 25.xii.71', appears on rear endpaper. £20

173 GOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS. CHAMBERS, David & SANDFORD, Christopher. COCK-A-HOOP, A sequel to Chanticleer, Pertelote and Cockalorum. Being a bibliography of the Golden Cockerel Press Sept.- Sept. 1949- Dec. 1961... with a list of prospectuses 1920-62 and illustrations from the books. Private Libraries Association for the G.C.P., 1976. FIRST EDITION, pp.126, many illustrations throughout; very good in original cloth & dust-wrapper. The final publication of the Press (Cock-a-Hoop 214); particularly useful for the detailed listing of the ephemera issued throughout the press's history. £15

174 GOLDLIN, G. Billot de. Ex-Libris de la famille Du Chemin de la Tour (Normandie). Protat Freres, Macon, 1909 Pp.12; 6 illustrations; well preserved in wrappers. Offprint from 'Archives de la Societe Francaise des Collectionneurs d'Ex-Libris'. £15

175 GOODEN, Stephen. An Iconography of the Engravings of Stephen Gooden. With preface and introduction by Campbell Dodgson. Elkin Mathews, 1944. FIRST EDITION, no.273 of 500 copies; 4to., pp.xvi,196+ colophon; 191 half-tone plates including 30 bookplate designs; very good in original blue buckram, gilt; upper corners bumped, otherwise well preserved. £65

176 GOODMAN, Philip. American Jewish Bookplates. American Jewish Historical Society, New York, 1956 FIRST EDITION, no.227 of 300 copies; pp.(4)(129-)216; 65 plates illustrated; good copy in original cloth. £45

177 GREGYNOG PRESS. HARROP, Dorothy A. A History of the Gregynog Press. Private Libraries Association, 1980. FIRST EDITION, lg.8vo., pp.xvi,266; many illustrations, facsimiles & plates; very good in original buckram. An excellent study & thorough bibliography of the Press including a handlist of ephemera & detailed descriptions of bindings. £20

178 GRIGGS, W. 147 Examples of Armorial Book Plates. From various Collections. (Second Series.) W. Griggs & Sons,, 1892 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.(6) frontis. in colours & gold + 146 facsimile plates on ochre ground; very good in contemporary half calf, morocco label, backstrip decorated in compartments, marbled sides. Originally issued to subscribers in 12 parts. £85

179 GRIGGS, W. 83 Examples of Armorial Book Plates. From various Collections. Privately Printed. Sixty Copies Only. W. Griggs, 1884. FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.(2)viii + 83 facsimile plates & contents leaf; a very good copy of this handsome edition on hand-made paper in contemporary half vellum, morocco label (rubbed); extremely scarce, this copy ex libris H.E. Jones. £220

180 GRUNEBAUM, Dr M.R. von. Osterreichische Exlibris Gesellschaft. XVI Jahrbuch 1918. Osterreichische Exlibris Gesellschaft, Wien, 1918 Lg.4to., pp.(4)154; illustrations throughout & many original bookplates on card mounts; printed wrappers faded along backstrip, slight wear at head but a nice copy of this handsome production. £45

181 GRUNEBAUM, Dr M.R. von. Osterreichische Exlibris Gesellschaft. XVIII Jahrbuch 1920. Osterreichische Exlibris Gesellschaft, Wien, 1920 Folio, pp.(4)24 + advert. leaf; illustrations throughout & 8 tipped-in specimens; printed wrappers a little marked with slight wear at head & trail of backstrip, but a nice copy of this handsome production. £25

182 GUIGARD, Joannis. Armorial du Bibliophile vec illustrations dans la texte. [In two volumes.] Bachelin-Deflorenne, Paris, 1870-73 FIRST EDITION, 2vol., pp.(4)254; (4)272; illustrations in line throughout; the two volumes bound together in contemporary half blue cloth, marbled sides, original wrappers bound in; some browning & short marginal tears, foot of binding & lower margins damp affected but generally well preserved. £120

183 GUTHRIE, James [Editor] The Bookplate Magazine. Number Three. January, 1920 The Morland Press, 1920 4to., pp.(61-)92; illustrations throughout including plates by Hagreen, Gibbings & Molly Power; well preserved in lightly rubbed pictorial wrappers. £35

184 GUTHRIE, James. BECKET, David. [&] DAWSON, Charles E. James Guthrie. His Book of Bookplates. Consisting of 24 original designs. [bound with] David Becket. His Book of Bookplates. Consisting of 24 original designs. [bound with] Charles E. Dawson. His Book of Bookplates. Consisting of 24 original designs. Otto Schulze, Edinburgh, 1906-07 FIRST EDITIONS, limited to 325 copies; sm.4to., 3 works bound together; each work with introductory essay & 24 plates; very good copies in modern crimson leather-backed marbled boards; original printed wrappers bound in. £350

185 HAGREEN, Philip. VON BAYROS, Franz. The Ex-Libris of Philip Hagreen [by] Brian North Lee. [bound with] Checklist of the Bookplate Designs of Franz von Bayros. Extracted, with additions, from the Bibliography produced by Rudolf Brettschneider. Edited by W.E. Butler and J.L. Wilson. The Bookplate Society and Forlaget Exlibristen, 1986/7 Two works bound together, FIRST EDITIONS, limited to 650 numbered copies, folio, pp.52(8), incorporating 27 leaves of illustrations in black & red; pp.(4)62; 312 items (+ variants) described, 24 plates; very good copy in crimson leather-backed boards, backstrip sunned. £40

186 HALL, Donald. British Orders, Decorations and Medals. In association with Christopher Wingate. Balfour, 1974. Sm.4to., pp.96; illustrations in colour throughout; a very good copy in the dust-wrapper. £10

187 HALL, Frederick Garrison. HALL, Elton Wayland. Frederick Garrison Hall. Etchings. Bookplates. Designs. With a biographical sketch by Ariel Hall & a personal memoir by Henry P. Rossiter. Boston Public Library, 1972 FIRST EDITION, 4to., no.281 of 500 copies, signed by the author; pp.130 + colophon; illustrations throughout; a handsome production designed & set in Monotype Bell at the Stinehour Press; very good in original buckram. £35

188 HALL, Frederick Garrison. STURGIS Jr., R. Clipston. Bookplates by Frederick Garrison Hall. With a Short Text. The Troutsdale Press, Boston, 1905 FIRST EDITION, pp.(10); frontis. & 25 plates; a good copy of this handsome production in slightly soiled & marked original japon-backed boards, paper label. £45

189 HAMILTON, Walter. Dated Book-plates. (Ex-Libris) from the early Sixteenth Century to the end of the Nineteenth century... [Facsimile reprint of the original A. & C. Black edition of 1894/7 by] Gerard Th. van Heusden, Amsterdam, 1975 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.(8)124,226(19)index(7) addendum; full-page & text illustrations in line throughout; crimson leather-backed marbled boards, original card covers bound in. £35

190 HAMILTON, Walter. French Book-plates. A handbook for Ex-Libris collectors. George Bell, 1892 FIRST EDITION limited to 500 copies, pp.viii,176; illustrations throughout; a good copy in later silk cloth. £38

191 HAMILTON, Walter. French Book-plates. A handbook to the study and history of French Ex-Libris, their makers and owners.... Second Edition Greatly enlarged. [Facsimile reprint by] Gerard Th. van Heusden, Amsterdam, 1975 Pp.x,360(3) adverts.; illustrations throughout; crimson leather-backed marbled boards, original card covers bound in. First published 1892, this facsimile reprints the enlarged second edition of 1896. £24

192 HANRATH, Joh. J. Het Maconniek Exlibris en de Daaraan Verwante Grafische Kunst Maconnieke Stichting... 'S-Gravenhage, 1959 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.178; 4 plates of marks & 140 illustrations of plates; very good in silk boards, paper label. £25

193 HARDY, W.J. Bookplates. Second Edition [revised & enlarged]. Kegan Paul, 1897. Pp.xvi,240; 44 full-page illustrations; a good uncut copy in original blue buckram; ex libris W.H. Viney. £35

194 HARDY, W.J. Bookplates. Kegan Paul, 1893. FIRST EDITION, pp.xvi,175; frontispiece & 36 other plates; uncut in original buckram, extremities rubbed, differential fading but a good copy of this handsome production on Van Gelder handmade paper. £18

195 HASSALL. CHAMBERS, David. Joan Hassall. Engravings & Drawings. With an introductory memoir by Joan Hassall and an appreciation of her technique by George Mackley. Private Libraries Association, 1985. FIRST EDITION, pp.lxii + 158pp. of book illustrations, occasional blocks & bookplate designs and 2pp. index; fine in original cloth, blocked in gold. An excellent study listing 91 books illustrated and 42 bookplates. £12

196 HAWKES, Capt. E. Gale. A Collection of Georgian Medals. E. Gale Hawkes, 1994 FIRST EDITION, pp.viii,75; 16 colour plates; very good in dust-wrapper. £35

197 HEAL, Ambrose. London Tradesmen's Cards of the XVIII Century. An account of their origin and use. B.T. Batsford, 1925 FIRST EDITION, pp.viii,110; frontispiece, vignettes & 101 full-page facsimiles; a good copy in later crimson leath-backed marbled boards, backstrip a little faded. Cutting from Country Life tipped-in at front. £40

198 HEDEGAARD, E.O.A. Danske Heraldiske Officers-ExLibris. Poul A. Andersen, Helsingor, 1964 FIRST EDITION, pp.(2)150 + colophon; introductory essay & 42 plates of Danish heraldic military bookplates; very good in original boards. £20

199 HEIM, Bruno B. BANDER van DUREN, Peter. [Editor] Armorial. Blazons for the Liber Amicorum et Illustrorum Hospitum by Garioch Pursuivant. Van Duren, 1981 FIRST EDITION, pp.224; 16 armorials in colour on 4 plates & 163 monochrome arms; very good in dust-wrapper. Published to mark the 70th birthday of Archbishop Heim, this edition of his Liber Amicorum includes Peter Bander van Duren's substantial introduction to Heim's life and work in heraldry covering both European & British armorial bearings. £15

200 HEINEMANN, Dr. O. von. Die Ex-Libris - Sammlung der Herzoglichen Bibliothek zu Wolfenbuttel. Einhundertundsechzig ausgewählte Bücherzeichen des XV. bis XIX.Jahrhunderts. Mit einer Einleitung von Dr.O.Von Heinemann. J.A. Stargardt, Berlin, 1895 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.32(2) + 160 plates (four in colour, three tipped-in); a good copy in contemporary brown morocco-backed marbled boards, gilt, top edge gilt; extremities rubbed but sound. £180

201 HELARD, Miss C. LATTIMORE, Colin. The Bookplates of Miss C. Helard and other related matters. The Bookplate Society, 2012 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.135(3); illustrations throughout; a very good copy in pictorial card covers of this excellent study of the heraldic ex-libris designed by Mary Ellen Blanche Crookes, the wife of Arthur Fox-Davies. £16

202 HENRY-ANDRE. Les Ex-Libris de Medecins et de Pharmaciens. ... suivi d'une etude sur Les Marques Personelles Macabres. Chez l'Auteur, Paris, 1908 FIRST EDITION, no.128, signed by the author; pp.(4)164 + colophon; 107 illustrations; very good in later silk cloth, original wrappers bound in. £75

203 HERRY, Andre Daniel Meyer. sculpteur-graveur. Editions de L'AFCEL, Nancy, 1951 FIRST EDITION, pp.43; 34 illustrations including 20 Ex-Libris; very good in slightly creased pictorial wrappers. £30

204 HILDEBRANDT, Ad.M. Heraldisches Musterbuch. Fur Edelleute, Kunstfreunde, Architecten, Bildhauer, Holzschneider, Graveure, Lithographen, Wappenmaler, &c. Mitscher & Rostell, Berlin, 1884 Lg.4to., pp.(8)43; 48 plates, each with multiple images & accompanying text; original cloth-backed printed boards, worn but serviceable. £40

205 HILDEBRANDT, Prof. Ad. M. Heraldic Bookplates. Twenty five Ex-Libris invented and drawn by Prof. Ad.M. Hildebrandt. Vol.II. H. Grevel & Co., 1894 FIRST EDITION, pp.(6) + 25 plates in black & several colours; printed on heavy paper; a good copy in modern crimson cloth, original printed wrappers bound in. The first series of 25 appeared in 1892. £35

206 HILDEBRANDT, Prof. Ad. M. New Heraldic Bookplates. Twenty five Ex-Libris invented and drawn by Prof. Ad.M. Hildebrandt. H. Grevel & Co., 1898 FIRST EDITION, pp.(4) + 25 plates in black & several single colours; printed on various heavy papers; a very good copy in modern crimson cloth, original printed wrappers bound in. The first series of 25 appeared in 1892. £35

207 HODNETT, Edward. Five Centuries of English Book Illustration. Scolar Press, 1988. FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.(10)365; 6 colour plates & 200 illustrations in text; a very good copy in original brown cloth of this excellent survey which incorporates a catalogue of 2700 'significant English illustrated books'. £25

208 HODNETT, Edward. Image and Text. Studies in the illustration of English Literature. Scolar Press, 1986. Pp.viii,271; 42 illustrations; very good in dust-wrapper. Includes chapters on John Day's illustrated books, Blake, Martin, Phiz, Tenniel, Burne-Jones & Beardsley. £18

209 HOOD, Jennings. YOUNG, Charles J. American Orders & Societies and their Decorations. London Stamp Exchange, 1991 Pp.107; 18 colour plates; a very good in original blue cloth of this facsimile of the original 1917 edition. £15

210 HOPF, Andreas & Angela. Alte Exlibris. Harenberg Kommunikation, 1978 FIRST EDITION, pp.237(8)adverts; full-page illustrations throughout, some in colour; well preserved in pictorial card covers. £8

211 HOPF, Andreas & Angela. Ex Libris. Originalausgabe mit 108 zweifarbigen Abbildungen. Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munchen, 1980 FIRST EDITION, pp.125(3); 108 full-page illustrations in sepia; well preserved in laminated card covers. £8

212 HOPF, Andreas & Angela. Exlibris der Dame. Harenberg Kommunikation, 1979 FIRST EDITION, pp.195(10)adverts; full-page illustrations throughout, some in colour; well preserved in pictorial card covers. £8

213 HOPKINSON, Martin. Ex Libris. The Art of Bookplates. British Museum Press, 2011. FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.111; 99 'full-page' illustrations, printed on tinted ground, some in colour; very good in pictorial card covers. A useful introduction, well illustrated with most examples from the last 120 years. £10

214 HOPSON, William Fowler. ALLEN, Francis W. The Bookplates of William Fowler Hopson. A descriptive check list. Yale University Library, 1961 FIRST EDITION, pp.(6)66; illustrations in line & half-tone throughout; very good in buckram-backed boards & (frayed) glacine wrapper. £35

215 HOWARD, Joseph Jackson. The Wardour Press Series of Armorial Bookplates. Baronets. From the Collections of Joseph Jackson Howard. Mitchell and Hughes, 1895. FIRST EDITION, no183 of 200 copies; pp.(4)27 (genealogical notes), 97 plates (3)index; a very good copy in original maroon cloth, gilt. £65

216 HOWARD, Joseph, Jackson [Editor] Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica. Vol. I. 1868. with New Series Vol. I-IV. 1874-84. Hamilton, Adams, 1868-84 FIRST EDITION, lg.8vo., 5vols., pp.xvi,363; viii,536; viii,653 + errata; viii,519; illustrations in line & folding pedigrees; a good collection in modern blue rexine, gilt. 31 vols. appeared in 6 series from 1868-1938, of which Howard edited the first 15vol. (to 1902). £165

217 HUMPHERY-SMITH, Cecil R. [Editor. & others] The Cambridge Armorial. compiled by members of The Cambridge University Heraldic and Genealogical Society... Orbis, 1985 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.141(3); illustrations in colour throughout; very good in dust-wrapper. £8

218 HUNNISETT, Basil. Steel-engraved book illustration in England. Scolar Press, 1980 FIRST EDITION, pp.xvi,263; 66 half-tone plates; a good copy of this useful reference in partially dust-wrapper. £10

219 HUXFORD, J.F. Arms of Sussex families. Phillimore, 1982 FIRST EDITION, pp.xvi,447; colour frontis. & illustrations in line throughout; very good in dust-wrapper. £10

220 HYAMSON, Albert M. RUBENS, Alfred. ARNOLD, Arthur P. Anglo-Jewish Notabilities. Their Arms and Testamentary Dispositions. The Jewish Historical Society of England, 1949 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.(8)233; 21 plates incorporating c100 armorial ex libris; issued in wrappers, this copy well bound in blue cloth, backstrip faded. £30

221 IMAMURA, Hidetaro. Catalogue of the World Exlibris Artists Exhibition 1991-92. XXIV International Ex-Libris Congress Sapporo. Nippon Exlibris Association, Tokyo, 1992 FIRST EDITION, pp.(8)85; including c550 bookplates on 61pp. illustrations; very good in laminated card covers. £15

222 IPSEN, Ludvig Sandoe The Book-plates of Ludvig Sandoe Ipsen. With foreword by Winfred Porter Truesdell. The Troutsdale Press, Bostom, 1904 FIRST EDITION, pp.(14) frontispiece portrait & 29 plates, some in colours; well preserved in slightly marked parchment-backed boards, paper label, top edge gilt, others uncut; corners bumped but sound. Evidently a small edition, some copies with ms. note '50 copies printed'. £75

223 IVALL, D. Endean. Cornish Heraldry and Symbolism. Dyllansow Truran, Redruth, 1988 FIRST EDITION, no.997 of 1000 copies, signed by the author; folio, pp.(12)100; illustrations in colour & line throughout; very good in dust-wrapper. £25

224 JANSSENS, Edouard. ROUSSEAU, Antoine. Les Ex-Libris Anciens de la Bibliotheque du Seminaire Episcopal de Tournai. [Offprint from] Memoires de la Societe Royals d'Histoire et d'Archeologie de Tournai, 1995 Pp.(201-)278; illustrated throughout; laminated card wrappers; well preserved. £12

225 JANSSENS, Piet. Piet Janssens. Tweede Map. Antwerpse ExLibris Kring, 1961 FIRST EDITION, pp.(4) + 15 exlibris, each on card mount, within printed card folder (extremities a little worn). Biographical note signed 'L.' £25

Item 226
Item 226
226 JARDERE, H. Ex-Libria Ana. Notices Historiques et Critiques sur les Ex-Libris Francais depuis leur apparition jusqu'a l'annee 1895. Ouvrage orne de 32 planches gravees. L. Joly, Paris, 1895 FIRST EDITION, no.99 of 400 copies; lg.8vo., pp.(4)IV,110; 32 engraved plates & various illustrations in line; prospectus tipped-in; a good copy, bound from the original 12 parts: Oct./Nov. 1893 - Sept. 1894; contemporary morocco-backed boards, original wrappers bound in; ex libris H.E. Jones. £220

227 JOHNSON, Fridolf. A Treasury of Bookplates from the Renaissance to the Present. Dover Publications, New York, 1977 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.viii,151; 761 illustrations; a very good copy in original laminated pictorial card covers. £12

228 JOHNSTON, G. Harvey. The Heraldry of the Campbells with notes on all the males of the family. Descriptions of the arms, plates and pedigrees. Beinn Bhuidhe Holdings, Inverary, 1977 Sm.4to., pp.186; 8 colour plates, 18 pedigrees; very good in card covers. Facsimile reprint of the original 1920 edition (170 copies only) with new introduction. £15

229 JONES, Louise Seymour. The Human Side of Bookplates. Ward Ritchie Press, 1951 [1952] Second Printing; pp.xiii,158; 10 full-page & many thumbnail illustrations; very good in cloth-backed decorated boards. Hard to find in such good condition. £30

230 JOURDANNE, Gaston. Les Bibliophiles Les Collectionneurs Et les Imprimeurs de l'Aude. Bibliotheque de La Revue Meridionale, Carcassone, 1904. [Facsimile reprint by] Editions Antoine Vogels, Arques, 1987 Sm.4to., pp.294(2); 163 illustrations in text; cloth-backed marbled boards, original card covers bound in. £25

231 JUNIOR, A. Jacinto [& others] 1a. Exposicao Municipal de Ex Libris. Secretaria Geral de Educacao e Cultura. Clube Internacional de Ex Libris, Rio De Janeiro, Brasil, 1949 Sm.4to., pp.80; illustrations in line & half-tone throughout, related ephemera tipped-in; later green cloth-backed marbled boards, original printed card covers bound in. £35

232 JUNOD, Benoit. Albin Brunovsky ex-libris 1970-1995. Belgrade Ex-libris Circle & Slovak Ex-libris Society, 1995. 1100 copies printed, landscape format; pp.96; illustrations throughout in several tints; very good in pictorial laminated card covers. £25

233 JUNOD, Benoit. Les Ex-Libris de Georges Hantz (1846 - 1920). Graveur a Geneve (Catalogue Raisonne). Images de livres, Bibliotheque Municipale Lausanne, 1997 FIRST EDITION, no. 32 of 400 copies; pp.79 + colophon; 82 plates described & pictured; very good in pictorial laminated card covers. £20

234 JUNOD, Benoit. LEE, Brian North [& others] Ex-Libris o El Arte de Identificar sus Libros 1470 -1988. [Catalogue of an Exhibition] Bibliotheca Luis-Angel Arango, Bogota, Colombia. Banco De La Republica [Bogota] 1988. FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.175; over 300 illustrations, several in colour. A very good copy of this scarce & detailed study in crimson leather-backed marbled boards with original pictorial laminated card covers bound in. Arranged in several sections with introductory essays by different hands; Brian North Lee contributes 'Carta Desde Europa'. His review from the Bookplate Journal is bound in at end. £40

235 JUNOD, Benoit. [& others] Ex-libris & their owners. Belgrade Ex-libris Circle, Belgrade, 1995. 1500 copies printed, landscape format; pp.285(3); illustrations throughout; a very good copy in original printed card covers, backstrip faded. With a foreword by Luc van den Briele. £25

236 JUNOD, Benoit. [& others] Ex-libris & their artists. Belgrade Ex-libris Circle, 1995. 2500 copies printed, landscape format; pp.302(2); c500 bookplates illustrated, some in colour; a very good copy in original printed card covers of this remarkably wide-ranging survey drawn from the inaugural international competition which attracted an astonishing 6000 entries from 1200 participants in 62 countries. £25

237 JUNOD, Benoit. [& others] A Historical Perspective. The World of Ex-Libris. [In two volumes.] Belgrade Ex-libris Circle, 1995. 2000 copies printed, landscape format; pp.192; 256; profusely illustrated throughout, some in colour; a very good copy in original printed card covers of this remarkably wide-ranging survey drawn from the inaugural international competition which attracted an astonishing 6000 entries from 1200 participants in 62 countries. £45

238 JUNOD, Benoit. [Editor] Ex-libris Yugoslavia. Belgrade Ex-libris Circle, 1995. 1500 copies printed, landscape format; pp.80; monochrome illustrations throughout; very good in original laminated card covers. £25

239 KELLNER, Stefan. Ex Libris und Gelegenheitsgraphik. Katalog III. Stefan Kellner, Budapest, 1921 Pp.xii,226; 47 illustrations on 9 leaves; 7893 bookplates listed; a good copy in later silk cloth, original wrappers bound in. £35

240 KISSEL, Clemens. Symbolical Bookplates. Twenty-five Ex-Libris designed and drawn by Clemens Kissel, Mayence. H. Grevel & Co., 1894 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.(8); 25 full-page plates in various single colours (one with gold); a very good copy of this scarce collection in contemporary (original?) maroon cloth, lettered in gold. £55

241 KREYENBERG, Gerhard. [Editor] Ex Libris fur Arzte. Deutscher Artze-Verlag Koln, 1983 FIRST EDITION, lg.8vo., pp.143; illustrations throughout, some in colour; very good in dust-wrapper & slip-case. £15

242 KRONHAUSEN, Eberhard et Phyllis. Ex-Libris Eroticis. Truong, Paris, 1971 Pp.206(2); c200 plates including several in colour tipped-in.; well preserved in original crimson rexine. £30

243 L'EX-LIBRIS FRANCAIS. ROBERT, Edmond des. CHASSAING, Jean-Francois. L'Ex-Libris Francais, Bulletin de l'Association Francaise pour la Connaissance de l'Ex-Libris. 7ème année - 75ème année, nos. 1-267. AFCEL, Bibliotheque Municipale, Nancy, 1945-2013 Nos. 1-267 (including several double numbers); 4to., c48p; illustrations throughout, some in colour, some tip-ins. First issue (no.1&2) & no.5 supplied in facsimile, otherwise a remarkably well preserved run. Nos. 1-189 (1940-93) bound into 7 vols., blue rexine lettered in gold, preserving original wrappers; remaining copies loose in stapled pictorial wrappers as issued. Founded in 1939, the association suspended its activities with the outbreak of war. The first issue, a double no. for Christmas, 1945, thus appeared in the 7th year of the association. £650

244 LABOUCHERE, Norna. Ladies' Book-plates. An illustrated handbook for Collectors and Book-lovers. George Bell, 1895. FIRST EDITION, no.42 of 75 deluxe large paper copies on Japanese vellum; pp.x(4)358 + colophon; ten plates & numerous illustrations throughout; a good copy of this scarce early history of women's bookplates and women designers, including Kate Greenaway, Edith Greene & Agnes Castle; uncut in original stiff wrappers, a little dust-soiled & rubbed with tape repair, but sound. £120

245 LAFON, C. Les Ex-Libris et Fers de Reliure Perigourdins Anterieurs a la Periode Moderne. Societe Francaise des Collectionneurs d'Ex-Libris, Paris, 1935 FIRST EDITION, folio, limited to 500 copies; pp.201; 164 text illustrations; well preserved in cloth-backed marbled boards. £110

246 LATCHAM, Paul [Editor] Herefordshire Bookplates. An Exhibition at Hereford City Museum. [The Author, Hereford] 1988. FIRST EDITION, A4 format; pp.(44); 100 bookplates described, the majority illustrated; well preserved in pictorial card wrappers. Some additional matter laid in. £8

247 LATCHAM, Paul. Bookplates in the Trophy Style. Bookplate Society, 2016 FIRST EDITION LIMITED to 350 copies, 4to., pp.184; 276 illustrations; very good in laminated pictorial card covers; various cuttings laid in. £15

248 LAUT, Dr. Hans Acht Duitse Exlibriskunstenaars. Erste Map. Antwerpse ExLibris Kring, 1958 FIRST EDITION, pp.(12) + 16 exlibris, each on card mount, within printed card folder (extremities a little rubbed). Text in Dutch & German. £25

249 LEBORONI, Mariaelisa. DE FILIPPIS, Mario 12 Exlibris di Mariaelisa Leboroni dalla collegione di Mario De Filippis. [Printed for the XIXth Congress at Oxford] presso lo Studio d'Arte Tipografica, Perugia, 1982. One of 350 numbered copies, signed; pp.(6) + 12 bifolia printed rectos only on Ingres Fabriano paper; each with monthly text & illustration and bookplate design in monochrome or colour on facing page; fine in printed card folder. £12

250 LEE, Brian North. Bookpile Bookplates. The Bookplate Society and The Apsley House Press, 1992. FIRST EDITION, 350 copies printed; 4to., pp.(4)64 + colophon; numerous illustrations on 34 plates; minor wear at head & tail of backstrip but generally well preserved in printed red card covers. £20

251 LEE, Brian North. Bookplate Collecting in Britain Past and Present. The Bookplate Society and The Apsley House Press, 1991. FIRST EDITION, 350 copies printed; pp.(4)44 + colophon; frontispiece and many illustrations on 18 plates; very good in original pictorial card wrappers. £20

252 LEE, Brian North. Bookplates from Mussett's Heraldic Office. With a note on their forerunners. The Bookplate Society and The Apsley House Press, 1994. FIRST EDITION, no.III of XX specials with tipped-in plate,. signed by the author, (& 350 standard copies); pp.(4)80 + colophon; frontispiece & 22 plates illustrating 61 ex-libris & additional proof bookplate of Alan Francis Brooke tipped-in; very good in original green buckram with printed card wrappers bound in. £45

253 LEE, Brian North. The Bookplates of Robert Hancock James Ross and William Bache. Exlibristen, 1986. FIRST EDITION, no.255 of 350 copies; pp.58 + colophon; half-tone illustrations throughout; review & other articles laid in at end; a very good copy specially bound in crimson leather, marbled sides, lettered in gold, with original stiff paper wrappers bound in. £30

254 LEE, Brian North. Bookplates from Mussett's Heraldic Office. With a note on their forerunners. The Bookplate Society and The Apsley House Press, 1994. FIRST EDITION, limited to 350 copies (& XX Specials); pp.(4)80 + colophon; frontispiece & 22 plates illustrating 61 ex-libris; various cuttings laid in. Small snag at head of backstrip but well preserved in original wrappers.v £45

255 LEE, Brian North. British Bookplates. A Pictorial History. David & Charles, 1979. FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.160; 261 illustrations; a good copy of this classic account in dust-wrapper. Two Brian North Lee bookplates laid in. £25

256 LEE, Brian North. British Royal Bookplates and Ex-Libris of Related Families. Scolar Press, 1992. FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.(8)259; 255 illustrations; genealogical tables; a very good copy in dust-wrapper £18

257 LEE, Brian North. Catalogue of the Bookplate Exhibition at the National Book League September 1972. 29 leaves, illustrated. The Bookplate Society and The Private Libraries Association, 1972. with CLARK, Keith. Bookplates by Book Illustrators. Second Exhibition, 1974. 42 leaves. Bookplate Designers 1925-1975. Third Biennial Exhibition, 1976. pp.(52) + 4pp. illustrations. A History of Bookplates in Britain. Fourth Exhibition, 1979. pp.(41). British Pictorial Bookplates. The Asmolean Museum, Oxford, 1982. pp.(24) Bookplate Society 1972-82 Five catalogues, 4to., bound in navy rexine, lettered in gold, original card wrappers bound in. £30

258 LEE, Brian North. Early Printed Book Labels. A catalogue of dated personal labels and gift labels printed in Britain to the year 1760. Private Libraries Association and the Bookplate Society, 1976. FIRST EDITION, pp.xxii,185; many facsimile illustrations; very good in original cloth, gilt & glacine wrapper. £12

259 LEE, Brian North. J.A.C. Harrison Artist & Engraver. The Bookplate Society and Forlaget Exlibristen, 1983. FIRST EDITION, no. 469 of 600 copies; sm. folio, pp.188; 13pp. of illustrations & 51 plates of ex libris, the first in duplicate with tipped-in pull from the copper; a very good copy specially bound in brown cloth with original pictorial wrapper mounted on upper board. £30

260 LEE, Brian North. J.A.C. Harrison Artist & Engraver. The Bookplate Society and Forlaget Exlibristen, 1983. FIRST EDITION, no. 469 of 600 copies; sm. folio, pp.188; 13pp. of illustrations & 51 plates of ex libris, the first in duplicate with tipped-in pull from the copper; a very good copy specially bound in crimson leather-backed marbled boards, original wrappers bound in. £35

261 LEE, Brian North. London Bookplates. A Catalogue of The Bookplate Society's 1984 Exhibition at The Guildhall Library London. The Bookplate Society and Forlaget Exlibristen, 1985. FIRST EDITION, no.462 of 600 copies; folio, pp.165 + colophon; frontispiece & 26 plates illustrating 104 Ex Libris; a very good copy in crimson morocco-backed marbled boards with original red printed wrapper bound in. Various cuttings laid in. £30

262 LEE, Brian North. London Bookplates. A Catalogue of The Bookplate Society's 1984 Exhibition at The Guildhall Library London. The Bookplate Society and Forlaget Exlibristen, 1985. FIRST EDITION, no.379 of 600 copies; folio, pp.165 + colophon; frontispiece & 26 plates illustrating 104 Ex Libris; a very good copy in red printed wrappers. £15

263 LEE, Brian North. My Personal Bookplates. [For the Author] 2001. FIRST EDITION; pp.32; illustrations throughout of bookplates designed for the author by Joan Hassall, Reynolds Stone, Leo Wyatt, Mark Severin, John Lawrence, Richard Shirley Smith, Roy Cooney, Hilary Paynter & others; as new in printed stiff wrappers; extra-illustrated with four of BNL's actual bookplates laid in. Both a most readable account of a personal collection and survey of the principal contemporary artists in the genre. £15

264 LEE, Brian North. Pictorial Bookplates in Britain. Private Library, Summer 1982. bound with: Bookplate Collecting. [article in] Private Library Summer, 1972. bound with: A Problem for the bookplate collector. [article in] Private Library Autumn 1973. bound with: CLARK, Keith. Bookplate Designs of Kate Greenaway. [article in] Private Library Autumn 1975. bound with: The Bookplate Designs of Walter Crane. [article in] Private Library Summer 1975. bound with: Bookplates by Kate Greenaway & Walter Crane. [article in] Private Library Winter 1980. Private Library, 1972-82 Six issues of Private Library; well preserved in crimson leather-backed marble boards, lettered in gold, backstrip uniformly faded; original wrappers bound in. £40

265 LEE, Brian North. Premium or Prize Ex-Libris. The Bookplate Society, 2001. FIRST EDITION limited to 300 copies; sm.folio, pp.(8)118; 107 plates described & illustrated; pictorial wrappers slightly marked, author's bookplate laid in. £16

266 LEE, Brian North. Some Bookplates of Heralds and related Ex-Libris. The Bookplate Society, 2003. FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.155; c150 illustrations in line & half-tone; pictorial card wrappers a little rubbed. Author's ex libris laid in. £15

267 LEE, Brian North. Some Church of England Parochial Library and Cathedral Ex-Libris. The Bookplate Society, 2004. FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.136; over 200 illustrations in line & half-tone; pictorial laminated card. A few cuttings & author's ex libris laid in. £15

268 LEE, Brian North. Some Recollections of a Bookplate Collector. [Privately published under the supervision of Benoit Junod. Printed by Intergraficas, Bogota, Colombia] 1988. FIRST EDITION limited to 120 copies, this no.8 of 10 copies, bound in leather with 'all B.N. Lee's plates tipped-in'; pp.(90); illustrations throughout including seven original bookplates tipped-in; a very good copy in original maroon leather, lettered in gold with BNL & leaf device blocked in blind on upper cover. The BNL collection of personal plates continued to grow & specimens by Reynolds Stone & Mark Severin have been added to this copy. £85

269 LEE, Brian North. BRETT, Simon. The Ex-Libris of Simon Brett. Exlibristen [Klaus Rodel, Fredrikshavn] 1982. FIRST EDITION, limited to 350 copies; 4to., pp.37 + colophon; frontispiece self-portrait and illustrations in text throughout; a good copy in slightly faded original printed wrappers. £25

270 LEE, Brian North. CAMPBELL, Ilay. Scottish Bookplates. The Bookplate Society, 2006. FIRST EDITION, 4to., 450 copies printed (200 for sale); pp.144; 247 illustrations in line; pictorial card covers. various cuttings & author's ex libris laid in. £15

271 LEE, Brian North. HAGREEN, Philip. The Ex-Libris of Philip Hagreen. The Bookplate Society and Forlaget Exlibristen, 1987. FIRST EDITION, limited to 650 numbered copies & XXX specials of which this is No. XII with four tipped-in bookplates, folio, pp.52(8), incorporating 27 leaves of (167) illustrations in black & red; a very good copy in special binding of blue buckram, dust-wrapper. £45

272 LEE, Brian North. NEW, Edmund Hort. Bookplates by Edmund Hort New. The Bookplate Society, 1999. FIRST EDITION limited to 330 copies, sm.folio, pp.98; over 125 bookplates illustrated; very good in original pictorial wrappers; various cuttings laid in. £16

273 LEE, Brian North. OSMOND, Robert. Bookplates by Robert Osmond. The Bookplate Society, 1998. FIRST EDITION limited to 300 copies, sm.folio, pp.126; 43 ex libris illustrated on 22 plates; very good in pictorial wrappers. A few pencilled notes, cuttings laid in. £18

274 LEE, Brian North. OSMOND, Robert. Bookplates by Robert Osmond. The Bookplate Society, 1998. FIRST EDITION, no VII of 30 deluxe signed copies with two additional proof bookplates tipped-in at end, sm.folio, pp.126; 43 ex libris illustrated on 22 plates; very good in crimson cloth binding, original printed wrappers bound in. £40

275 LEE, Brian North. PARFIT, Cliff. Antiquarian Book Monthly Review. Six issues containing articles on Ex Libris and related subjects. Aug. 1975 - Aug. 1983 4to., five issues bound in green cloth & a sixth unbound. Comprises: Bookplates for all sorts & conditions of men; The Place of Bookplates; Fifty Years of Bookplate Design; by Lee. Ex Libris In Japan; Some Bookshops in Japan; by Parfit; & much else besides. £20

276 LEE, Brian North. WHISTLER, Rex. The Bookplate Designs of Rex Whistler. Private Libraries Association for the Bookplate Society, 1973. FIRST EDITION, one of 650 copies (& 350 specials); pp.42 + 41 plates; a good copy in original cloth. £30

277 LEE, Brian North. WILSON, James. Bookplates by Lord Badeley. The Bookplate Society and The Apsley House Press, 1993. FIRST EDITION limited to 350 copies; pp.58; details of 227 bookplates, 65 illustrated on 30 plates; very good in full blue buckram, original printed card covers bound in. £25

278 LEE, Brian North. WILSON, James. Bookplates by Lord Badeley. The Bookplate Society and The Apsley House Press, 1993. FIRST EDITION limited to 350 copies; pp.58; details of 227 bookplates, 65 illustrated on 30 plates; a good copy in original printed card covers. £15

279 LEE, Brian North. [Contributor] WEHNER, Dietrich. Ex libris in Buchern der Bibliothek der Universitat Konstanz. Gerhard Schmitz-Veltin, Konstanz, 1991. FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.122; illustrations throughout; a very good copy in pictorial laminated card covers. Details of 751 plates; BNL contributes a 12pp. essay, The British Bookplates in Books of Constance University Library. Text in German & English. £20

280 [LEE, Brian North] A Brief History of Bookplates in Britain with reference to examples at the Victoria & Albert Museum. The Bookplate Society and the Victoria & Albert Museum, 1979. FIRST EDITION, landscape format; pp.(6)24; 44 illustrations; a very good copy in crimson cloth with original pictorial card wrappers bound in. £15

281 [LEE, Brian North] A Brief History of Bookplates in Britain with reference to examples at the Victoria & Albert Museum. The Bookplate Society and the Victoria & Albert Museum, 1979. FIRST EDITION, landscape format; pp.(6)24; 44 illustrations; a very good copy in original pictorial card wrappers. £6

282 LEIGHTON, John. [Editor & Illustrator] The Book Plate Annual and Armorial Year Book. [Four annual volumes bound together.] A. & C. Black, 1894-7 FIRST EDITION, lg.4to., pp.36; 52; 36; 39; illustrations & specimen plates throughout + many inserted adverts.; later crimson leather-backed marbled boards, a very good complete set of this short-lived periodical with original printed wrappers bound in. Arthur Jewers was an early contributor but much of the content seems to have been provided by Leighton himself, then Vice-President of the Ex Libris Society. £165

283 LEININGEN-WESTERBERG, Karl Emich. German Bookplates...Translated by G. Ravenscroft Dennis. George Bell, 1901. FIRST EDITION in English; pp.xix.531; 3 hand-coloured & 2 copper plates, over 250 other illustrations; a good copy internally in original green silk cloth, top edge gilt, others uncut; sides water-stained, hinges split but serviceable. An uncommon book with a vulnerable binding. £30

284 LEJEUNE, Anthony. The Gentlemen's Clubs of London. Photographs by Malcolm Lewis. Dorset Press, 1984 4to., pp.296; colour & half-tone illustrations; very good in dust-wrapper. £25

285 LIEBER, Vincent. Les Ex-Libris Genevois. Catalogue des ex-libris imprime des familles recues a la bourgeoisie de Geneve avant 1792. La Bibliotheque Publique et Universitaire de la Ville de Geneve, 2002 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.216; 509 bookplates catalogued & illustrated; very good in pictorial card covers. Signed presentation slip from the author tipped-in. £55

286 LINCOLN. FOWLER, H. Alfred. Lincolniana Book Plates and Collections. H. Alfred Fowler, Kansas City, 1913 FIRST EDITION, pp.(26); copperplate pictorial title, vignette & full-page illustration and 3 tipped-in bookplates; very good in original cloth-backed boards. A deluxe production on hand-made paper, but no limitation stated. £28

287 LINNIG, Benjamin. Bibliotheques & Ex-Libris d'amateurs Belges aux XVII, XVIII et XIX siecles. H. Daragon, Paris, 1906. [with] Nouvelle Serie. Librairie Nationale d'Art et d'Histoire, G. van Oest, 1910 FIRST EDITION, limited to 500 copies (+ 25 specials) 2 vols., 4to., pp.(6)ii,189; (6)278(2); illustrations throughout; well preserved in blue cloth with original printed wrappers bound in (vol.I) & crimson leather-backed marbled boards (vol.II). £120

288 LISTER, Edmund. MASSEY, Charles. Catalogue of Book-Plates (Ex-Libris) No.2. Offered for sale by Edmund Lister, Oldham, c[1910]. bound with: A Catalogue of Old and Rare British and American Book-Plates (Ex Libris)... Charles A. Massey, [1904] Pp.48; 1927 items listed; original printed green wrappers; pp.76; 2449 items; 15pp. illustrations showing 85 plates; printed wrappers, worn (repaired); bound together in modern cloth, paper label. £35

289 LITHERLAND, A.R. SIMPKIN, B.T. Spinks Standard Catalogue of British Orders, Decorations & Medals, with valuations. Spink, 1990 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.222; illustrations in colour & monochrome throughout; very good in dust-wrapper. £12

290 LITTLEWOOD, Robert C. The Ex Libris of Sir Lionel Lindsay 1874-1961. Privately printed Melbourne Australia, 1978 FIRST EDITION, no.276 of 350 copies, signed by the author; 4to., pp.(8)130 + colophon, 4pp. errata laid in; illustrations throughout; well preserved in original cloth & slip-case. £55

291 LOVAT FRASER, Claud. LEE, Brian North. The Bookplate Designs of Claud Lovat Fraser. Harold Berliner, California, 1985. FIRST EDITION, no.23 of 650 copies; pp.85 + colophon; fine in original cloth, paper labels. Catalogue of 36 bookplates & 23 unused designs, with introductory essay and 59 illustrations on 44pp. of plates, 37 in colour. £65

292 LOWER, Mark Antony. The Curiosities of Heraldry. With illustrations from Old English Writers. With numerous wood engravings from designs by the author. John Russell Smith, 1845. FIRST EDITION, pp.xvi,319; extra pictorial chromolithograph title illuminated in colours & gold by Hanhart, various woodcut illustrations in text; some light spotting chiefly of first & last leaves, otherwise a good copy in contemporary blind-stamped tan calf, lacks label; short split in upper hinges, extremities rubbed but sound. £45

293 MAHUET, Cte. de. ROBERT, Edmond des. Complement a l'essai de repertoire des Ex-Libris et Fers de Reliure des Bibliophiles Lorrains. Avec Tables Generales. R. Poncelet, Nancy, 1933 FIRST EDITION limited to 250 copies, 4to., pp.(8)221; 129 text figures; well preserved in green cloth-backed marbled boards, original stiff wrappers bound in. A supplementary volume to the original edition of 1906. £55

294 MAHUET, Cte. de. ROBERT, Edmond des. Essai de repertoire des Ex-Libris et Fers de Reliure des Bibliophiles Lorrains. Avec Tables Generales. Sidot Freres, Nancy, 1906 FIRST EDITION limited to 300copies, lg.8vo. pp.(8)383(3); 15 plates (several in colours) & 101 text figures; ex libris The John Crerar Library, Chicag, with perforated stamp & neat accession mark on prelims., otherwise well preserved in later crimson leather-backed marbled boards, original printed wrappers bound in. A supplementary volume appeared in 1933. £85

295 MARSHALL, Julian. Catalogue of the...Extensive and Valuable Collection of Book-Plates (Ex-Libris) of the late Julian Marshall. Which will be sold by auction, by Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, May... 1906 Pp.(4)245; (95-160 in facsimile); modern maroon buckram, lettered in gold, with original printed wrappers bound in. A few pencilled prices realised in margins. 1112 lots sold over four days from Monday, May 28th. Ex Libris James Ley Wilson. £45

296 MASSEY, Gerald. Catalogue of Famous Bookplates and Bookplates of Famous People. Gerald Massey, Mayfair, 1940. Catalogue No. 4; pp.28; 639 items with index; well preserved in lightly worn printed wrappers. £20

297 MAY, Comm. W.E. CARMAN, W.Y. TANNER, John. Badges and Insignia of the British Armed Services. Adam & Charles Black, 1974 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.xii,367; 6 colour & 39 monochrome plates; 765 line drawings; very good in dust-wrapper. £30

298 MAYO, John Horsley. Medals and Decorations of the British Army and Navy. [Facismile reprint of the original 1897 edition.] J.B. Hayward, Polstead, 1986 Pp.lxxxviii,617; 55 plates with multiple images & 10 illustrations in text; 231 medals detailed. Very good in original crimson cloth. £20

299 MEDALS. CLAUGHTON, F.A.C. [Secretary] Royal Humane Society. Annual Report for 1930. Offices of the Society, 1930 Pp.75; coloured map, chromolithograph of RHS medals in bronze, silver & gold & other illustrations in line & half-tone; half leather, backstrips worn but sides held. Lists recipients of the Society's medals & 'other awards'. £30

300 MEDALS. CLAUGHTON, F.A.C. [Secretary] Royal Humane Society. Annual Report for 1934. Offices of the Society, 1934 Pp.77; coloured map, chromolithograph of RHS medals in bronze, silver & gold & other illustrations in line & half-tone; half leather, backstrips worn but sides held. Lists recipients of the Society's medals & 'other awards'; includes note on the Stanhope Medal. £30

301 MEDICAL EX LIBRIS. El Ex Libris y su uso por Los Medicos y Farmaceuticos. Laboratorios del Norte de Espana, Barcelona, 1941 FIRST EDITION, pp.28; illustrations in green throughout; printed wrappers lightly soiled. No. XI of the Coleccion de Publicaciones Medicas Historico Artisticas. £30

302 MELGAR Y ROJAS, Ignacio de. De Ex Libris por El Marques de San Juan de Piedras Albas. Edicion revisada, aumentada y precedida de la biografia de su Autor. Imprenta Municipal de la Villa de Madrid. 1946 No.128 of 300 copies printed; pp.86 + colophon & erratas slip; woodcut title-border in red, tipped-in portrait & 17 plates including tipped-in bookplate; a very good copy of this handsome edition on hand-made paper; contemporary half crimson morocco, gilt; original stiff wrappers bound in. £75

303 MEYER, Daniel. Andre Legrand. Illustrateur et Graveur d'Ex-Libris 1902-1947 20 illustrations. Editions AFCEL, Nancy, 1948 FIRST EDITION, pp.52(2); 20 full-page wood-engravings; well preserved in printed wrappers; 4pp. prospectus laid in. £25

304 MEYER, Daniel. Michel Jamar. Xylographe du Caveau Saint-Roch. Ex-Libris et Cartes de Circonstance. 50 bois originaux. Editions AFCEL, Nancy, 1952 FIRST EDITION, pp.46; 50 wood-engravings of various sizes; well preserved in slightly soiled printed wrappers. £30

305 MEYER-NOIREL, G. Bibliographie de L'Ex Libris Francais 1872-1977. Exlibristen [Klaus Rodel, Frederikshavn] 1979. FIRST EDITION, folio, unpaginated; 16pp. prelims, + catalogue of 1550 items & 28pp. index; various illustrations & facsimiles including tipped-in two-colour bookplate designed by Charles Favet; very good incloth-backed marbles borads, original printed wrappers bound in. £40

306 MEYER-NOIREL, G. Répertoire Général des Ex-Libris Français des origines à l'époque moderne 1496-1920. Tome I - XIV. [+ Tome 1, 2nd ed., 2005] [Printed for the Author at] Imprimerie Paradis, Lunéville, 1983-2006 15 vols.,, each c.200pp., illustrated; vols I & II in green cloth, remainder in original cloth-backed yellow printed wrappers. A long run in very good condition of this massive undertaking, completed in 20 vols, 2011. £180

307 MILLER, Edward. Prince of Librarians. The Life and Times of Antonio Panizzi of the British Museum. Andre Deutsch, 1968. Pp.356; 12 illustrations; a good copy of this fascinating account, in original cloth. £10

308 MINET, Paul. Late booking. My first twenty-five years in the secondhand book trade. Frantic Press, 1989. FIRST EDITION, pp.(8)199; 9 plates, very good in dust-wrapper. Entertaining, informative & provocative in more or less equal measure. £8

309 MIQUEL y PLANAS, R. Ensayos de Bibliofilia, Reunidos y publicados con motivo de los XXV años de vida editorial del autor. Casa Miqul-Rius, Barcelona, 1929 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.(4)59(4); illustrations in colour throughout; a very good copy of this handsome production in original decorated card covers, glacine wrapper. £30

310 MIRABELLA, Giuseppe Ex Libris Museum Erotica. Corsico Ex Libris Museum, Milan, 1991 FIRST EDITION, pp.23 + colophon & 134 full-page plates, several in colour; an attractive production with introductory essay; pictorial card covers. £25

311 MIRABELLA, Giuseppe Ex Libris Museum Medicina. Presentazione del Prof. Luigi Donati. Corsico Ex Libris Museum, Milan, 1991 FIRST EDITION, pp.23 + colophon & 118 full-page plates, several in colour; an attractive production with introductory essay; pictorial card covers. £25

312 MIRABELLA, Giuseppe Tranquillo Marangoni Xilografo 1912 - 1992 Catalogo dell'opera incisa. A cura di Giuseppe Mirabella. Prefazione critica di Angelo Dragone. Ex Libris Museum, Corsico, 1994 Folio, pp.191; 82 full-page & smaller illustrations in line; very good in pictorial card covers. £45

313 MIRABELLA, Giuseppe BECCALETTO, Cristiano. Ex Libris da Tutto il Mondo 1992-94. XXV Congresso Internazionale dell' Ex Libris. Ex Libris Museum, Corsico, 1994 FIRST EDITION, landscape 8vo., pp.12 + 476 illustrations (2 per page, a few in colour) (5)index; very good in pictorial card. £25

314 MIRANDA, Artur Mario Da Mota [Editor] Ex-Libris. Encyclopaedia Bio-bibliographical of the Art of the Contemporary Ex-Libris. Volumes 4-10 [of 30] Artur Miranda, Braga, Portugal, 1986-90 FIRST EDITION limited to 500 sets, 4to., 7vols. (vols4-10 incl), c.200pp. per volume with illustrations in colour and line throughout; each vol. with several tipped-in specimens, some signed & numbered proofs; a very good collection in original rexine, acetate wrappers. Regular contributors include Brian North Lee and Luc van den Briele. A remarkable achievement, each volume surveys the work of 10-15 artists. Complete sets rarely come on the market. 'I have written extensively for the series, as well as trying to turn into decent English the text of countless articles by others.' BNL in 'A Summary Listing...' £360

315 MIRANDA, Artur Mario da Mota. Artistas de Ex-Libris. III - VII. A.P.E.L. Porto, 1976-84 5 vols. each limited to 500 numbered copies; pp.212; 264; 255; 200; 381; tipped-in bookplate samples (many signed), & other illustrations throughout; a very good collection of this fine production in original printed cloth. £550

316 MOEDER, Marcel. Les Ex-Libris Alsaciens des origines a mil huit cent quatre-vingt-dix. Compagnie Alsacienne des Arts Photomecaniques, A & F. Kahn, Strasbourg, 1931 4to., pp.116(4); 40 plates, each with multiple images; a good copy in later cloth-backed marbled boards. £65

317 MORANT, Alfred. General Armory Two. Additions and Corrections to Burke's General Armory Edited and augmented by Cecil R. Humphery-Smith. Tabard Press, 1973. FIRST EDITION, pp.viii,230; very good in frayed dust-wrapper. £15

318 MOREMBERT, H. Tribout de. Les Ex-Libris d'Albert Haefeli Dessinateur Symboliste Messin. 51 Reproductions. Editions de L'AFCEL, Nancy, 1954 FIRST EDITION, pp.(2)54; a good copy in slightly soiled pictorial wrappers. £35

319 MORING, Thomas [Editor] A Catalogue of Stock Designs in Book-Plates. The De La More Press, FIRST EDITION, pp.(32); introductory note & 37 designs, mostly full-page, with a strong fin-de-siecle flavour; well preserved in printed wrappers, a little rubbed & worn at fold. £25

320 MOULE, Thomas. Heraldry of Fish. Notices of the principal families bearing fish in their arms. Illustrated by engravings on wood. John Van Voorst, 1842. FIRST EDITION, pp.xvi,250(2)advert; wood-engraved vignettes throughout by Mary and Elizabeth Clint (after drawings by the author's daughter, Sophia Barbara Moule); a very good copy in original blue cloth. £45

321 MOUNTBATTEN, G. L., Admiral The Marquess of Milford Haven. British Naval Medals: Commemorative Medals, Naval Rewards, War Medals, Naval Tokens, Portrait Medallions, Live-saving Medals, Engraved Pieces, &c. John Murray, 1919 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.xii,499; errata slip; full-page & smaller illustrations throughout; original cream buckram, soiled & worn at extremities, a little shaken due to the weight of the book-block. A fine production - rare. £350

322 MULLEN, A.L.T. [Editor] The Military General Service Roll 1793-1814. London Stamp Exchange, 1990 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.726; pencilled notes at end; some related ephemera laid in; fine in rexine-backed marbled boards, all edges gilt, slip-case. £75

323 McCARTHY, Michael Francis. A Manual of Ecclesiastical Heraldry Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Presbyterian and Orthodox. Thylacine Press, 2005 FIRST EDITION, pp.viii,184 incl. index; frontis. & colour illustrations throughout; very good in laminated card covers; prospectus laid in. £75

324 NAVAL RECORDS. The Naval Who's Who 1917. [Facsimile reprint by] J.B. Hayward, Polstead, 1981 Pp.344; very good in original blue rexine, acetate wrapper. £15

325 NELSON, Harold. His Book of Bookplates consisting of 24 original designs. Otto Schulze, Edinburgh, 1904. FIRST EDITION, no.4 of 25 copies on Japanese Vellum, signed by the author, (+300 standard copies); sm.4to., pp.(8) + frontis. in black & gold and 23 other plates in Nelson's Art Nouveau style, printed on rectos only; very good in slightly rubbed cloth-backed pictorial boards. £135

326 NELSON, Harold. Reproductions of Twenty-Five Designs for Book Plates. Otto Schulze, Edinburgh, 1910 FIRST EDITION, no.97 of 150 copies, signed by the artist; lg.4to. portfolio, (330 x 250mm); pp.(4) + 25 plates (1 colour) mounted on heavy cartridge with tissue guards; very good in original decorated buckram portfolio, lettered in gold; backstrip a little faded. £110

327 NELSON, Harold. HORNUNG, Clarence Pearson [Editor] Bookplates by Harold Nelson. with a Foreword by John Malcolm Bulloch. Caxton Press, New York, 1929. FIRST EDITION, limited to 525 numbered copies, 4to., pp.(12) + colophon; sepia decorations & 40 plates of bookplate designs in black & various single colours; a good copy of this handsome production on French Normandy Vellum paper in original buckram-backed wood-veneer boards, leather label; extremities a little rubbed & marked but well preserved. £55

328 NEWTON, A. Edward. A Reprimand and What Came of It. Privately Printed (for) A. Edward Newton, Oak Knoll, Daylesford, PA., 1927 Pp.(12); two colour illustrations; very good in original printed wrappers, preserved in buckram bookbox. An account of the creation of a sporting bookplate by the artist, Gordon Ross. Sent to friends for Christmas, 1927, this copy inscribed on title 'One of the prettiest of these little pamphlets I think, A. Edward Newton.' £35

329 NIEL, J.-C. Quelques Ex-Libris du graveur Charles Favet. Imprimerie de la 'Renaissance', Troyes, 1947 FIRST EDITION, pp.12; 2 plates with 17 bookplates shown, many in single colour; original printed wrappers, a little browned. £12

330 O'BYRNE, William R. A Naval Biographical Dictionary: comprising the life and services of every living officer in Her Majesty's Navy... [In two volumes. facsimile reprint of the original 1849 edition] J.B. Hayward, Polstead, 1990 2vol., pp.x,690; (6)(691-)1400; a few marks but generally very good in blue cloth, gilt & slip-case. £45

331 OLIVEIRA, Carlos Lobo de. VASCONCELOS, Manuel Rosado de Dois Ex-Libris de Antonio Sardinha. Algumas notas genealogicas sobre a familia do poeta. Separata do 'Boletim da Academia Portuguesa de Ex Libris, [Lisbon] 1959 First Separate Edition, no.45 of 150 copies, signed by the author; pp.128; 3 illustrations; very good in printed card wrappers. Inscription from the author on half-title. £18

332 OLIVIER, Docteur Eugène. VIALET, Docteur G. Essai de Repertoire des Ex-Libris et Fers de Reliure Des Medecins et des Pharmaciens Francais... Charles Bosse, Paris, 1927 FIRST EDITION, pp.xvi,235; illustrations in line throughout. A good uncut & unopened copy in original printed wrappers (lightly browned & rubbed). £110

333 OLIVIER, Docteur Eugène. VIALET, Docteur G. Essai de Repertoire des Ex-Libris et Fers de Reliure Des Medecins et des Pharmaciens Francais... Charles Bosse, Paris, 1927 FIRST EDITION, pp.xvi,235; illustrations in line throughout. Faint waterstain affecting top margin of final leaves, otherwise well preserved in later cloth, lettered in gold; original printed wrappers (lightly browned & rubbed) bound in. £95

334 OLIVIER, Prof. Eugene. Edmond des Robert. Ses Ex-Libris Heraldiques. 17 reproductions dont 7 en couleurs Editions de L'AFCEL, Nancy, 1950 FIRST EDITION, pp.32; includes 7 tipped-in coloured plates; very good in pictorial wrappers. £35

335 OSLEY, A.S. Mercator. A monograph on ther lettering of maps, etc. in the 16th century Netherlands with a facsimile and translation of his treatise on the italic hand and a translation of Ghim's Vita Mercatoris. Faber and Faber, 1969 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.209; portrait & 64 illustrations & facsimiles; a very good copy in slightly frayed dust-wrapper. £20

336 OTT, Herbert & Norbert. Herbert & Norbert Ott. Vader en Zoon Ott. Erste Map. Antwerpse ExLibris Kring, 1961 FIRST EDITION, pp.(4) + 14 exlibris, each on card mount, within printed card folder (extremities a little rubbed). Biographical note signed 'L.' £25

337 OUSELEY, Sir Gore. Books and Manuscripts from the Library of Sir Gore Ouseley, Orientalist and Diplomat. Catalogue One. Grant & Shaw Ltd., 1989 Pp.(64); 16 colour illustrations; a few pencilled notes and various inserts; printed card wrappers. A wonderful catalogue of 160 items with extensive account of the life appended. £15

338 PAPWORTH, John W. MORANT, Alfred W. [Editor] Ordinary of British Armorials... T. Richards, 1874. Reprinted in facsimile with an introduction by J.P. Brooke-Little, Richmond Herald of Arms. Five Barrows, Bath, 1977. Pp.xxii,1125; small snags at head of hinges, but a sound copy in original crimson rexine. £40

339 PASQUALE, Nicola de. [Editor] Gabriele D'Annunzio e l'arte dell' Ex Libris nel 1 Novecento. Comune di Pescara, 1991 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.413(4); illustrations throughout, many in colour; very good in pictorial laminated boards. Introductory essays and fully illustrated catalogue with potted biographies in Italian, French, English & German. £45

340 PAULIAN, G. Des Ex-Libris Nicois. Orne de 25 illustrations. H. Daragon, Paris, 1920 FIRST EDITION, limited to 300 copies; pp.40; 25 illustrations in text; a good uncut copy with large margins; original lower printed wrapper only. £30

341 PAYNE, A.A. A Handbook of British and Foreign Orders, War Medals and Decorations awarded to the Army and Navy. Chiefly described from the collection of A.A. Payne. J.B. Hayward, 1981 Pp.(4)lxxx,811; plates throughout; a very good copy of this facsimile of the original edition of 1911. £20

342 PERKINS, Jocelyn. The Most Honourable Order of the Bath. A Descriptive and Historical Account. Second & enlarged edition. The Faith Press, 1920 FIRST EDITION, pp.viii,166; half-tone plates throughout; a good uncut copy in original decorated cream linen; lower cover marked. £15

343 PERRIER, Emile. Les Bibliophiles et Les Collectionneurs Provencaux. Ancien et Modernes. Arrondissement de Marseille. Barthelet, Marseille, 1897 FIRST EDITION limited to 300 copies, this no.3 of 25 on Japon; pp.xii,561(4) errata & colophon; frontispiece, four plates & 72 illustrations in text; a very nice copy in contemporary purple & gold jacquard binding, morocco label, top edge gilt, others uncut; original printed vellum wrappers bound in. £250

344 PETERSON, James W. Orders & Medals of Japan and associated States. OMSA Monograph no.1 The Orders and Medals Society of America, 1967 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.(4)114; monochrome plates throughout; very good in printed card wrappers. £30

345 PINE, L.G. The New Extinct Peerage 1884-1971. Containing Extinct, Abeyant, Dormant & Suspended Peerages with Genealogies and Arms. Heraldry Today, 1972 FIRST EDITION, pp.xxviii,313; 19 plates; very good in original buckram. £30

346 PLANA Y DORCA, J. Els meus ex-libris y sa descripcio filosofica. Fidel Giro, Barcelona, 1905 FIRST EDITION, pp.29(3); printed wrappers lightly soiled, heavy erasure (of price?) from back wrapper. Inscribed 'Al inteligen llibrer y bon amich, Sir Germain Schulze, L'Auteur. Barcelona, el 17 d'Agost de 1905.' Scarce. £35

347 POIDERBARD, W. BAUDRIER, J. GALLE, L. Armorial des Bibliophiles de Lyonnais, Forez, Beaujolais et Dombes. Societe Bibliophiles Lyonnois, Lyon, 1907 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.(8)771(5) index & colophon; illustrations in text throughout & 42 plates of ex libris & bindings; a good uncut copy of this massive compilation in original wrappers, soiled & worn but substantially present. £225

348 POIDERBARD, W. BAUDRIER, J. GALLE, L. Armorial des Bibliophiles de Lyonnais, Forez, Beaujolais et Dombes. Reimpression de l'edition de 1907. Editions Rene Georges, Lyon 1998 2vols. folio, pp.(8)771(5) index & colophon; illustrations in text throughout & 42 plates of ex libris & bindings; a very good copy of this useful facsimile in original printed wrappers. £35

349 PORTUGAL. Ex-Libris Estrangeiros que se Relacionam com Portugal. 1 Serie. Separata do Archivo Nacional de Ex-Libris, Lisbon, 1928 FIRST EDITION, pp.24; several illustrations; well preserved in original printed wrappers; ex libris Condes do Bomfim. £35

350 PORTUGAL. Um Grupo de Ex-Libris Modernos. Serie I Separata do Archivo Nacional de Ex-Libris, Lisbon, 1928 FIRST EDITION, no.11 of an unspecified edition, signed by the author; pp.24; several illustrations; well preserved in original printed wrappers. £35

351 PORTUGAL. AVELLAR, Henrique de. Ex-Libris Heraldicos Portugueses. Oficinas Graficas... Braga, 1977. [with] Segunda Serie. Editorial Franciscana, Braga, 1980 2vols. bound together; each one of 150 copies numbered & signed by the author; lg.8vo., pp.(6)97; (4)27; illustrations throughout; later green cloth (backstrip faded) with original laminated card covers bound in. £95

352 PORTUGAL. COUTO, Armando. Ex-Libris Portuenses Exposicao e Conferencias. Gabinete de Historia da Cidade, Porto, 1954 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.93 + colophon; 302 bookplates described & illustrated on 35 plates; well preserved in printed wrappers. £35

353 PORTUGAL. DE MATTOS, Armando. NAVARRO, A. de Gusmao. Archivo Nacional de Ex-Libris. [In two volumes] Tipografia do Tombo Historico, Lisboa, 1927/32 2 vols. bound in 1; pp.235; 237; illustrations throughout and many supplementary plates & tip-ins; complete in two volumes, bound from the original 20 parts; extensive browning due to the poor quality paper used, otherwise well preserved in green cloth-backed marbled boards, original wrappers bound in. A few extra pieces tipped-in at end. £135

354 PORTUGAL. JARDIM DE VILHENA, Joao. Uma coleccao de ex-libris. Biblioteca da Universidade, Coimbra, 1947 FIRST EDITION, pp.11; well preserved in printed wrappers. Offprint from the Boletim da Biblioteca. £8

355 PORTUGAL. LUCAS, J. Almeida. Andre Vlaanderen. Um Grande Artists Desaparecido. Academia Portuguesa de Ex Libris, [Lisbon] 1960 First Edition, no.88 of 100 copies, signed by the author; pp.32; 6 full-page illustrations; very good in printed card wrappers. £20

356 PORTUGAL. LUCAS, J. Almeida. Desenhadores e Gravadores de Ex-Libris. O Desenhador Espanhol Juan Estiarte. Separata de 'A Arte do Ex-Libris' Da Associacao Portuense de Ex-Libris, Braga, [c1960] No.44 of 50 copies, signed by the author; 4to., pp.13; illustrated throughout including two tipped-in specimens; with a chronological checklist of 159 bookplates designed 1947-59. Also laid in are three 4pp. illustrated articles from the Barcelona ExLibristas, on: Alejandro de Riquer Inglada, Frank Alpresa del Rio & Joan Estiarte Samso £25

357 PORTUGAL. LUCAS, J. Almeida. Qte e um Ex-Libris. Separata do 'Almanaque Seroes', Lisbon, 1949 First Separate Edition, no.3 of 200 copies, signed by the author; pp.16; illustrations throughout; very good in printed card wrappers. £15

358 PORTUGAL. MADAHIL, Antonio Gomes da Rocha. Os Ex-Libris de Raul Xavier. Figueira da Foz, 1963 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.12; 3 illustrations & four tipped-in specimens; well preserved in original printed wrappers. £20

359 PORTUGAL. MIRANDA, Artur Mario da Mota. 1a. Exposicao de Ex-Libris. Da Coleccao do Ex. Senhor Artur Mariuo da Mota Miranda. Associacao Portuense de Ex-Libris, Porto, 1955. bound with: BRANCO, Joao... Exposicao de Ex-Libris dos Seculos XVII, XVIII e XIX. (Coleccao de Joao...Branco.) Catalogo. Lisbon, 1963. bound with: Ill Encontro Nacional de Ex-Libristas. Guia des Exposicoes.. Biblioteca da Universidade de Coimbra, 1979 Three works in one volume; no.169 of 500 copies, pp.x,104; proof plate & 49 illustrations; no.168 of 200 copies, pp.67; tipped-in proof & many illustrations in half-tone; pp.146(2); various illustrations in text; well bound in silk cloth with original card wrappers bound in. £35

360 PORTUGAL. TAVARES, A.J. [Editor] Revista de Ex-Libris Portuguezes. Director: Conde de Castro e Solla. [later Henrique Ferreira Lima]. [In six volumes.] Typ. da Empr. Litteraria e Typogaphica, Porto, 1916/27 No.118 of 200 copies, signed by director & editor; 6 vols. bound in 3; pp.(4)195; (4)198; (4)200; 201; 201; 195; illustrations & facsimiles throughout; some browning & occasional spotting but generally a nice set in contemporary tan leather-backed decorated boards, lettered in gold. Bound from the original monthly parts with printed wrappers bound in. £320

361 PORTUGAL. TAVARES, A.J. [Editor] Revista de Ex-Libris Portuguezes. Director: Conde de Castro e Solla. [later Henrique Ferreira Lima]. [In three volumes.] Typ. da Empr. Litteraria e Typogaphica, Porto, 1916/19 FIRST EDITION limited to 200 copies; vols 1-3 only [of 6] pp.(4)195; (4)198; (4)200; illustrations & facsimiles throughout; some browning but generally a nice set in later cloth-backed marbled boards; bound from the original monthly parts. £120

362 PORTUGAL. VASCONCELOS, Frazao de. O Navio nos Ex Libris Porugueses. Separata do 'Boletim da Academia Portuguesa de Ex Libris, [Lisbon] 1960 First Separate Edition, no.27 of 75 copies, signed by the author; pp.14; 11 illustrations; very good in printed card wrappers. £15

363 PORTUGAL. VINHAS, Mario. A Paisagem e os Momentos no Ex-Libris. Com 35 reproducoes de ex-libris. Ex-Libris, Lisbon, 1956 FIRST EDITION, 271 of 275 copies, signed by the author; pp.79(2) index; 35 plates, many tipped-in; a good copy in printed wrappers. £35

364 POULET-MALASSIS, A. Les Ex-Libris Français depuis leur origine jusqu'a nos jours. Nouvelle édition, revue, très-augmentée et ornee de vingt-quatre planches. Chez P. Rouquette, Paris, 1875. Sm.folio, 350 copies printed; pp.viii,79; well preserved in modern cloth-backed marbled boards. First published the previous year, the 24 illustrations promised on the title are absent as often seems to be the case due to their issue in separate portfolio. £35

Item 365
Item 365
365 POULET-MALASSIS, A. Les Ex-Libris Français depuis leur origine jusqu'a nos jours. Nouvelle édition, revue, très-augmentée. at ornee de vingt-quatre planches. with Album des Ex-Libris Francais. Chez P. Rouquette, Paris, 1875. Sm.folio, 350 copies printed; this one of 15 deluxe copies on hand-made paper; pp.viii,79; a very good copy with large margins, uncut & unopened, in original printed wrappers. Together with the separately issued 'Album des Ex-Libris Francais' comprising 24 loose prints (6 'sont des originaux') on hand-made paper and accompanying printed list, in original cloth-backed printed card portfolio. First published the previous year and more often found without the separately issued portfolio of plates. £165

366 POULET-MALASSIS, A. Les Ex-Libris Français depuis leur origine jusqu'a nos jours. Notes sur leur usage et leur curiosite. Fac-simile du plus ancien ex-libris Francais connu. Chez P. Rouquette, Paris, 1874 FIRST EDITION, 4to., limited to 100 copies on hand-made paper, initialled by the author; pp.(4)50; two engraved plates; a very good uncut copy with large margins; contemporary half blue cloth, marbled sides; original printed green wrappers bound in. £110

367 PRICE, Christine. Catalogue of Royal Bookplates from the Louise E. Winterburn Collection San Francisco College for Women. California Bookplate Society, 1944. FIRST EDITION limited to 350 copies; pp.xvi,75; tipped-in frontispiece & 15 plates; 181 bookplates described; a very good copy of this handsome production in leather-backed boards, (backstrip faded). £30

368 PRIVATE LIBRARY. Six issues devoted to Bookplate artists. Private Libraries Assoc., 1976-83 6 issues bound together in crimson leather-backed marbled boards, original wrappers bound in. Each issue c48pp., illustrated throughout. Comprising: James Guthrie, Spring 76; Buckland Wright Aut. 76; Kalashnikov Spring 77; Will Carter Wint. 79; Valentin Le Campion Sum. 81; Reynolds Stone Wint. 83. £35

369 PRO EX-LIBRIS. VILA, M. Gras [& others] Revista. Numbers I & II [all published] Pro Ex-Libris, Barcelona, 1921/22 2 issues; no.16 of 150 copies (No.II un-numbered); pp.xxv + 3 supplementary 'Aiguafort original' plates by Lluis Garcia Falgas & Ramon Borrell i Pla; xxvi; full-page, vignette & tipped-in illustrations throughout; some spotting of printed wrappers but generally very good copies of this short-lived & extremely rare Catalan periodical. Green cloth-backed marbled boards, original printed wrappers bound in. £150

370 QUANTIN, Leon. Ex-Libris Heraldiques Anonymes. Premiere Serie. [All published.] Em. Paul et Fils et Guillemin, Paris, 1907 FIRST EDITION, 200 copies printed; pp.xii,288(4); text illustrations throughout; contemporary half tan buckram, original wrappers bound in. £165

371 QUANTIN, Leon. Ex-Libris Bourguignons. Liste Sommaire. Emile Paul et Fils et Guillemin, Paris, 1907 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.66; 28 text illustrations; a good copy in green cloth, lettered in gold, original wrappers bound in. 700 family names with their arms & ex libris. £40

372 RATO, Fausto Moreira. Manual de Ex-Libristica. Impresa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, Lisbon, 1976 FIRST EDITION limited to 3000 copies, signed by the author (!); folio, landscape format; pp.238 + imprint; folding frontis., colour plate & 263 line illustrations in text; a very good copy in green cloth (differentially faded) preserving original card covers. £55

373 REANART GARCIA, Joaquim. Els Exlibris Renart. ab commentaris de Victor Oliva... y ab un prolech de Frederic Raisin. Oliva, Impressor, Vilanova y Geltru, 1907 FIRST EDITION, folio, 300 copies printed; pp.(120); 52 full-page plates, some with colour, with descriptions on facing pages; decorated title & other ornaments; a beautiful production in Art Nouveau style; well preserved in crimson leather-backed marbled boards (backstrip faded), original printed wrappers bound in. Parallel text in Catalan, French & German. £250

374 REDONDA. FORTIS, Paul de [Editor] The Kingdom of Redonda 1865-1990 A Celebration... for The Redondan Cultural Foundation with contributions by Roger Dobson, Lawrence Durrell, Paul de Fortis , Christopher Martin, Count Potocki of Montalk and Julie Speedie. The Aylesford Press,1991 FIRST EDITION, Limited to 400 copies; pp.105 + colophon, map & 4 plates; very good in crimson morocco-backed marbled boards, original card wrappers bound in; various cuttings laid in. Essays include Durrell on 'My Friend John Gawsworth' and Dobson on 'The Fiction of M.P. Shiel'. £25

375 RELS, Arm[and] Ex-Libris composés par Arm. Rels. Xavier Havermans, Misch & Thron, Bruxelles, 1911 FIRST EDITION, no.474 of 500 copies; pp.69; essay by M. Robert & 58 plates on rectos only; very good in original pictorial wrappers, backstrip neatly reinforced. Signed, presentation inscription from the author on fly-leaf. PRESENTATION COPY £75

376 REMY, Tristan. Jean Lebedeff faiseur d'images. 36 bois originaux. Editions de L'AFCEL, Nancy, 1951 FIRST EDITION, pp.34(2); 36 wood-engravings; very good in slightly creased pictorial wrappers. £30

377 RHEAD, Louis. A Collection of Book Plate Designs. W. Porter Truesdell, Boston, 1907 FIRST EDITION, pp.(12) + 25 leaves of bookplates including several tipped-in specimens; two tipped-in plates, double title border & ornaments in text; well preserved in lightly rubbed & soiled linen-backed pictorial boards, top edge gilt, others uncut. £65

378 RICKETTS, E. Bengough. Composite Book-Plates 1897-8. Edward Arnold, 1898 FIRST EDITION, pp.(10) + 55 plates, all printed on rectos only; a good uncut copy of this uncommon collection of modern designs; green cloth-backed decorated boards; extremities rubbed, corners bumped, but sound. Eight plates by Theodore Spicer Simson, five by Frank Bramley, forty-two by the author. £45

379 RIDDICK, John F. Who Was Who in British India. Greenwood Press, Westport, 1998 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.(16)445(3); very good in maroon cloth. £55

380 RIGHTS, Edith Anderson. The Bookplate work of David McNeely Stauffer. Catalogue and Exhibition by Edith Anderson Rights. Montclair Art Museum, New Jersey, 1990 Pp.24; 34 facsimile illustrations; very good in printed wrappers. £8

381 RIGHTS, Edith Anderson. The Bookplates of Arthur Nelson MacDonald. Montclair Art Museum, New Jersey, 1986 FIRST EDITION no.70 of 100 copies, signed by the author & John De Pol who designed the patterned binding paper; pp.(4)14(115) + colophon; 29 plates. Very good in cloth-backed patterned paper boards; with an autograph note from the author, incorporating a review of the book, laid in. Catalogue of 463 bookplates, 41 'blank' designs & 10 business and trade cards. This deluxe edition, hand-printed on Mohawk Superfine paper, was followed by a trade offset-litho. edition of 150 copies. £110

382 RIQUER i PALAU, Josep M. Els Ex Libris i L'Ex Librisme. Assaig Històric Raonat. Editorial Milla, Barcelona, 1952 No.48 of 100 specials with signed etching by Ramon Borrell & hand-coloured dedication frontispiece; 4to., pp.245; illustrations throughout; a very good largely unopened copy in original pictorial wrappers (slightly soiled & frayed at edges). £120

383 RIQUER i PALAU, Josep Mª, CIRICI, Alexandre, TRENC, Eliseu, CERDA, Mariàngela, GRAELLS, Joan. Alexandre de Riquer. L'Home, L'Artista, El Poeta. (Modernisme Simbolista) Organitzadora de L'Homenatge a Alexandre de Riquer, Calaf, 1977 FIRST EDITION, 1000 copies printed; 4to., pp.175 + colophon; illustrations in line & half-tone throughout including coloured floral page borders; very good in crimson leather-backed boards, original stiff pictorial wrappers bound in. £35

384 RIQUER i PALAU, Josep. M.a de. Els Ex-Libris I L'Ex-Librisme Assaig historic raonat. Volum primer: Concepte, historia de l'ex-librisme. Volum segon: L'ex-libris i l'ex-librisme a Espanya. Editorial Milla, Barcelona, 1952 FIRST EDITION, no.71 of 300 copies; 2vol., pp.123(3); 123(3); illustrations throughout in various media, some in colour, on a variety of hand-made papers; a very good set of this deluxe production in handsome quarter crimson morocco, gilt, marbled sides, original pictorial wrappers bound in. £220

385 RIQUER, Alexandre de. Ex-Libris 1903. [Les ex-libris... ont ete graves et imprimes par J. Thomas de Barcelone. Les gravures en taille-douce... proviennent des presses de J. Furno de Barcelone... For the Author, 1903] FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.(2)12(4) contents + colophon; 64 mounted plates; signed at end by the artist who also provides a 4pp. dedication; 7pp. article by the Catalan Art Nouveau artist Miquel Utrillo. A deluxe production on heavy artisanal hand-made paper, very good in original blue cloth, gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut. £275

386 RIQUER, Alexandre de. YEBRA, Joan-Lluis de. Alexandre de Riquer. I L'Exlibrisme. Repertori complet dels seus ex-libris. Publicacions I Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 1983 FIRST EDITION, 1000 copies printed; folio; pp.249; 142 plates catalogued & pictured; very good in leather-backed marbled boards, gilt-lettered (backstrip faded), original pictorial wrappers bound in; several cuttings tipped-in at end. £200

387 RISK, James C. The History of The Order of the Bath and its Insignia. Spink & Son, 1972. FIRST EDITION, pp.xviii,214; 29 plates including several in colour; a very good copy in dust-wrapper (edges bruised). £15

388 ROBERT, Edmond des. L'Ex-Libris. Son Historique Sa Collection. avec 45 Reproductions d'Ex-Libris Editions de L'AFCEL, Nancy, 1946 FIRST EDITION, pp.78(2); 45 illustrations; very good in pictorial wrappers. £20

389 ROCHEFOUCAULD, Francois de La. L'Ex-Libris de F. de Larochefoucauld Abbe de Tournus. La premiere Marque Francaise armoriee. [Edited by F.S.] L. Joly, Paris, [c1897] FIRST EDITION, 350 copies printed; pp.16; handsome production on hand-made paper, uncut in printed wrappers (edges frayed). Prelims edge-browned, otherwise well-preserved. £45

390 RODEL, Klaus. Christian Blaesbjerg exlibris og bomaerker. Ex Libris 4. Exlibristen [Frederikshavn] 1979 FIRST EDITION limited to 350 copies (this un-numbered); pp.74 + colophon; 7 tipped-in specimens & illustrations in colour & gold throughout; very good in slightly rubbed printed wrappers. £20

391 RODEL, Klaus. Jorgen Brockdorff Nielsen. En dansk exlibriskunstener Exlibristen [Frederikshavn] 1986 FIRST EDITION, no 332 of 400 copies; pp.20; 4 tipped-in specimens, all signed by the artist, & 6 other illustrations; very good in printed wrappers. £18

392 ROSCOE, S. BRIMMELL, R.A. James Lumsden & Son of Glasgow. Their juvenile books and chapbooks. Private Libraries Association, 1981. FIRST EDITION, pp.xxvi,134; coloured frontispiece & many facsimile plates; a very good copy in original cloth & glacine wrapper. £8

393 ROURE de PAULIN, Baron du Les Ex-Libris Brunetta D'Usseaux. Protat Freres, Macon, 1908 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.16; 10 plates; handsome contemporary blue morocco-backed cloth, top edge gilt, others uncut; original printed wrappers bound in. £65

394 RUETER, Pam G. Exlibris Extract met excuses en explicaties. Arethusa Pers Herber Blokland, Baarn, 1978 FIRST EDITION, 550 copies printed; pp.79; 53 fine full-page & vignette wood-engraved bookplates; very good in original cloth. £20

395 RYLANDS, J. Paul. A Calendar of Printed Grants of Arms, Crests, Augmentations and Exemplifications of Arms. Thomas Brakell Ltd., Liverpool, 1901. Pp.34; printed wrappers reinforced at head & tail of backstrip. Reprinted from the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. £18

396 RYLANDS, John Paul. Notes on Book-Plates (ex-libris), with special reference to Lancashire and Cheshire Examples, and a proposed Nomenclature for the Shapes of Shields. A paper read before the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 18th October, 1888. Printed for Private Circulation, 1889 FIRST EDITION, pp.iv,76; 11 ex libris on 7 plates + 'Shapes of Shields' plate; very good in lightly rubbed half tan calf, morocco label. Reprinted the following year in the Transactions of the Society. Ex libris Peter Summers. £85

397 SALOMON, Emile. Les Ex-Libris d'Andre-Christophe Chomel. H. Daragon, 1918 FIRST EDITION, pp.16; illustrations in line; wrappers browned & a little worn but sound. £18

398 SATTLER, Joseph. Art in Book-Plates. Forty-two original ex-libris designed by Joseph Sattler. With an introduction on artists, literature and collectcors of ex-libris... by Frederick Warnecke. H. Grevel & Co., 1895. FIRST EDITION, 'Limited' (but unspecified); lg.4to., pp.(2)6(4) + 42 bookplates of various sizes, printed in colours & mounted on card; loose in printed cloth portfolio with ties, as issued; a good uncut set in worn (but serviceable) portfolio. £135

399 SAUNDERS, Ruth Thomson. The Book of Artists' own Bookplates. Illustrations from fourteen countries though the courtesy of The Bookplate Association International. Saunders Studio Press, Claremont, California, 1933. FIRST EDITION, 94 of 360 copies, signed by the artist; pp.xiv,87 + colophon & advert. leaf; illustrations throughout including tipped-in specimens; buckram-backed boards, paper label; extremities rubbed but sound. Original pictorial manuscript Christmas Greeting, signed, from the author, incorporating sketch & self-portrait. £165

400 SCHMITT, Anneliese. Deutsche Exlibris. Von den Ursprungen bis zum Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts. Muller & Kiepenheuer, Hanau, 1987 FIRST EDITION, pp.192 incl. index; 144 illustrations many in colour; very good in slightly frayed dust-wrapper. £15

401 SCHNEIDER-HENN, Dietrich. Exlibris Monogramme. Darstellung und Verzeichnis der Monogramme von deutschen und einigen ausländischen Künstlern, die ca. 1880-1920... Verlag Schneider-Henn, Munchen, Paris, 1983 FIRST EDITION, pp.166(2); 3049 devices illustrated & captioned; very good in dust-wrapper. £15

402 SCHOFIELD, A.B. Dictionary of Legal Biography 1845 - 1945. Barry Rose, Chichester, 1998 FIRST EDITION, pp.xviii,512; very good in dust-wrapper. £18

403 SCHUTT-KEHM, Dr Elke. Exlibris-Katalog des Gutenberg-Museums 1. Teil Angaben zu 13,487 Exlibris von uber 2000 Kunstlern. 500 Abbildungen. Claus Wittal, Wiesbaden, 1985 FIRST EDITION limited to 400 copies; pp.464; 500 illustrations; very good in original decorated cloth. Completed in 4 vols., 2003. £40

404 SCHWENCKE, Johan. Het ExLibris in Nederland. Een studie voor vrienden van boek en prent. Wereldbibliotheek, Amsterdam, 1935 1000 copies printed; pp.48; 83 bookplates illustrated; well preserved in slightly frayed silk-sewn printed wrappers. £15

405 SCHWENCKE, Johan. Het ExLibris in Skandinavische Landen. Een studie voor vrienden van boek en prent. Wereldbibliotheek, Amsterdam, 1953 1000 copies printed; pp.48; 84 bookplates illustrated; well preserved in silk-sewn printed green wrappers. £15

406 SCHWENCKE, Johan. Het ExLibris in Italie. Een studie voor vrienden van boek en prent. Wereldbibliotheek, Amsterdam, 1949 1000 copies printed; pp.48; 98 bookplates illustrated; a little creased but generally well preserved in slightly browned & rubbed silk-sewn printed wrappers. £15

407 SCHWENCKE, Johan. Het ExLibris in Duitsland. Een studie voor vrienden van boek en prent. Wereldbibliotheek, Amsterdam, 1963 1000 copies printed; pp.61(3); 90 bookplates illustrated; very good in printed orange wrappers. £15

408 SCHWENCKE, Johan. Het ExLibris in Oostenrijk. Een studie voor vrienden van boek en prent. Wereldbibliotheek, Amsterdam, 1937 1000 copies printed; pp.40; 76 bookplates illustrated; a good copy in lightly creased silk-sewn printed green wrappers. £15

409 SCHWENCKE, Johan. Het ExLibris in Tsjechoslowakije. Een studie voor vrienden van boek en prent. Wereldbibliotheek, Amsterdam, 1956 1000 copies printed; pp.56(8)index + adverts.; 100 bookplates illustrated; a very good copy in silk-sewn printed red wrappers (part faded). £15

410 SCHWENCKE, Johan. Het ExLibris in Frankrijk. Een studie voor vrienden van boek en prent. Wereldbibliotheek, Amsterdam, 1939 1000 copies printed; pp.44; 88 bookplates illustrated; a good copy in silk-sewn printed red wrappers (part faded, edges bruised). £15

411 SCHWENCKE, Johan. Het ExLibris in Engeland Een studie voor vrienden van boek en prent. Wereldbibliotheek, Amsterdam, 1936 1000 copies printed; pp.40; 66 bookplates illustrated; a good copy in silk-sewn printed buff wrappers. £15

412 SCHWENCKE, Johan. Het ExLibris in Spanje & Portugal. Een studie voor vrienden van boek en prent. Wereldbibliotheek, Amsterdam, 1955 1000 copies printed; pp.48;70 bookplates illustrated; well preserved in silk-sewn printed yellow wrappers. £15

413 SEVERIN, Mark. Making a Bookplate. Studio, 1949. FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.88; profusely illustrated; a good copy in original cloth & defective dust-wrapper; ex libris Peter Summers. £15

414 SEVERIN, Mark. REID, Anthony. Engraved Bookplates. European Ex Libris 1950-70. Private Libraries Association, 1972. FIRST EDITION limited to 2000 copies, lg.8vo., pp.176; over 500 illustrations of bookplates; very good in original cloth & repaired dust-wrapper. The standard work covering a wide field with clarity & precision. £25

415 SEVERIN, Mark. ROUSSEAU, Antoine. Liste de ses exlibris. Exlibriswerklijst. [Privately Printed for the Author, n.d.] FIRST EDITION, pp.33(5)index; 3 illustrations; well preserved in original wrappers. 492 plates listed by year. Text in French, Dutch & English. £25

416 SEWARD, Desmond. Italy's Knights of St. George. The Constantinian Order. Van Duren, Gerrards Cross, 1986 FIRST EDITION, pp.139; colour frontis. & many illustrations in line & half-tone; very good in dust-wrapper. £65

417 SEYLER, Gustav A. Illustriertes Handbuch der Ex-Libris-Kunde. J.A. Stargardt, Berlin, 1895 FIRST EDITION, pp.viii,88(6)adverts.; illustrations in text throughout; well preserved in original printed boards; extremities a little rubbed. £25

418 SEYMOUR, George Dudley. William F. Hopson and his Bookplates. Privately Printed, Washington, 1929 FIRST EDITION, lg.4to., no.29 of 100 copies, signed by author & Hopson; pp.24; portrait frontis. & six proof plates of ex libris; very good in japon-backed decorated boards, paper labels, uncut. £65

419 SHAW, Wm. A. The Knights of England. A complete record... Incorporating A Complete List of Knights Bachelors dubbed in Ireland compiled by G.D. Burtchaell. Heraldry Today, 1971 2vol., pp.viii,xii(2)lxiv(2)479; 420253(index); a good copy of this facsimile of the original 1906 edition; original cloth, minor speckled fading but sound. £40

420 SHERBORN. NORMAN, J.R. Squire. Memories of Charles Davies Sherborn. George G. Harrap, 1944. FIRST EDITION, pp.202; ten half-tone illustrations & three text illustrations; a good copy in original blue cloth & worn dust-wrapper. An account of the geologist, bibliographer & collector; the son of Charles William Sherborn, engraver of bookplates. £30

421 SHICKELL, Edward Hampton. Bookplates for libraries. With an introduction and a commentary by William R. Holman. Roger Beacham [Houston, Texas] 1968 FIRST EDITION, landscape 8vo; pp.18 + 38 leaves of illustrations showing 72 bookplate designs in various colours; well preserved in original cloth-backed boards, paper labels, slight differential fading. £18

422 SIKLOSSY, Ladislas de L'Ex-Libris en Hongrie et a L'Etranger. Agyujto Le Collectionneur. Numero Special. La Guilde-Saint-Georges Societe des Amateurs et Collectionneurs Hongrois, Budapest, 1913 4to., pp.158(16)index & adverts., illustrations throughout, 2 mounted plates & supplement of 25 plates in various single colours, each with multiple images; well preserved in later crimson cloth, original decorated card covers bound in. Text in French & Hungarian. £45

Items 422 and 423
Item 422 (left) and Item 423 (right)
423 SIKLOSSY, Ladislas de. A Gyüjtö. Le Collectionneur Numero Special. Különszam. Ex-Libris. Az ex-libris Magyar-Orszagon es külföldön. L`Ex-Libris en Hongarie et en etranger. Redige par Ladislas de Siklossy. Guilde-Saint-Georges Societe des Amateurs et Collectionneurs Hongrois, Budapest, 1913 FIRST EDITION, 4to., no.65 of 150 copies, signed by the editor, pp.160(7)index; illustrations in text throughout, 26 leaves of illustrations in colour & 100 proof & mounted plates from various techniques in colours & gold on a variety of papers & mounts; text in Hungarian & French; original reversed calf, gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut; backstrip faded, sides a little rubbed but sound, original decorated card wrapper of the 'standard' issue bound in. A wonderful survey of pre-WWI European bookplate art. More often found without the extra 100 plates. £450

424 SIMPSON, John. The Bookplate Collection of John Simpson. [Sale Catalogue for Sale 11940, 17 May] Bonhams 2005 Sm.4to., pp.40; 214 lots; several illustrated; very good in pictorial laminated card covers. £15

425 SIMPSON, Joseph W. His Book [of Bookplates] Otto Schulze, Edinburgh, [1904] FIRST EDITION, limited to 375 copies (this un-numbered); sm.4to., pp.(6) + 12 full-page illustrations printed on rectos only; very good in lightly rubbed pictorial wrappers, frayed at edges.. £45

426 SIMPSON, Joseph W. [Editor] The Book of Book-Plates. Voilume One, Numbers three & four. October 1900 & March 1901. Williams & Norgate, 1900/01 500 sets printed, 4to., 2 issues pp.(101-)188 + 8pp. prelims in each issue; untrimmed in original grey printed wrappers (lightly soiled & a little edge-worn); ex libris H.T. Morley, Reading. Articles & illustrations of bookplates by the principal artists of the period including Gordon Craig, Celia Levetus, James Guthrie & George May Elwood; 4pp. prospectus/order form for vol.II laid in. 12 issues (3vols) appeared in all before this scarce periodical, with a strong Art Nouveau style, became The Book-Lover's Magazine. £85

427 SKOVENBURG, Erik. Exlibris Medicinae. Danske Exlibris Selskab, Aarhus, 1984 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.72; 380 illustrations; very good in pictorial card covers. £20

428 SLATER, J.H. Book Plates and their value. English and American plates. Henry Grant, 1898 FIRST EDITION, pp.241; frontis.; original buckram, top edge gilt, others uncut; free endpaper removed, inner hinges cracked, light dust-soiling, extremities rubbed & a little worn but sound. £10

429 SLATER, J.H. Book Plates and their value. English and American plates. Henry Grant, 1898 FIRST EDITION, pp.241; frontis.; a very good copy in contemporary half vellum, morocco label; top edge gilt, others uncut; a little rubbed but still handsome. Ex libris Nina Abercromby. £20

430 SMITH, Richard Shirley. BAIN, Iain [Editor] The Wood Engravings of Richard Shirley Smith. Selected with an introduction by Iain Bain. Silent Books, Cambridge, 1994. FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.72; illustrations & facsimiles throughout; a very good copy of this handsome production from the Libanus Press; pictorial laminated card covers. £10

431 SOCIETE FRANCAISE des Collectionneurs d'Ex-Libris. CAREME, F. [Secretaire.] Archives de la Societe Francaise des Collectionneurs d'Ex-Libris. Septieme Annee. Au Siege de la Societe, Paris, 1900 Folio, pp.(4)196; illustrations throughout and 24 plates in line & half-tone (one in colour); a little light browning, faint embossed stamp of Great Neck Library at head of first two leaves, but well preserved in modern buckram, paper label, from the original twelve monthly parts with printed wrappers bound in at end. Started in 1893, the Society continued until 1937. £85

432 SOCIETE FRANCAISE des Collectionneurs d'Ex-Libris. ROURE DE PAULIN, Baron De. [Secretaire.] Archives de la Societe Francaise des Collectionneurs d'Ex-Libris. Vingtieme Annee. Au Siege de la Societe, Paris, 1913 Folio, pp.(4)192; illustrations throughout and 22 plates in line & half-tone (one in gold on crimson); a little light browning but well preserved in contemporary quarter crimson morocco, bound from the original twelve monthly parts. Started in 1893, the Society continued until 1937. £85

433 SOCIETE FRANCAISE des Collectionneurs d'Ex-Libris. WIGGISHOFF, Jacques-Charles. Dictionnaire des Dessinateurs et Graveurs d'Ex-Libris Francais. Societe Francaise des Collectionneurs d'Ex-Libris, Paris, 1913 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.278(2)contents leaf; 33 plates & illustrations throughout. A working copy, LACKING title, pages 241-79 (including Supplement) provided in FACSIMILE); well bound in green cloth-backed marbled boards, backstrip faded. £65

434 SOCIETE FRANCAISE. Archives de la Societe Francaise des Collectioneurs d'Ex-Libris. Quatrieme Annee. Au Siege de la Societe, Paris, 1897 Folio, pp.(4)200 incl. index; 27 plates & various illustrations in text; circular blindstamp of Greatneck Library at head of first two leaves; stitching of first section loose, otherwise well preserved in modern buckram, paper label. Bound from the 12 monthly parts with original wrappers at end. £75

435 STAINFORTH, A.G. CLX Ex-Libris par Andre Vlaanderen. Edition Boekuil & Karveel, Anvers, 1946 FIRST EDITION, no.151 of 300 copies on papier velin; pp.28(4)index & 160 plates with text on facing page; a very good unopened copy in original decorated wrappers; a little frayed at head of backstrip. £65

436 STARR, Frederick. Washington Bookplates. Six articles reprinted from The Town Crier 1925-26. Seattle, 1927 No.201 of an unspecified first separate edition, 16mo., pp.72; 11 full-pages plates (including two tipped-in specimens) & 2 vignettes; a very good copy in original blue boards, paper label. £25

437 STAWA, Georg V. Alte Exlibris aus Tirol. Mit 36 Abbildungen (XXIV Tafelm) und 1 Farbtafel. Universitatsverlag Wagner, Innsbruck, 1958 FIRST EDITION, pp.56; col. frontis. & 24 half-tone plates; very good in cloth-backed boards & dust-wrapper. £20

438 STONE, Reynolds. Engravings. With an introduction by the artist and an appreciation by Kenneth Clark. John Murray, 1977. FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.xli(3) + 151pp. of engravings printed in black & various single colours; a very good copy in dust-wrapper (short tear repaired), prospectus laid in. A handsome production, printed at Curwen. £50

439 STONE, Reynolds. McLEAN, Ruari. Reynolds Stone 1909-1979. An Exhibition held in the Library of the Victoria and Albert Museum... V. & A., 1982. FIRST EDITION, pp.84; engravings in black & sepia throughout; a good copy of this excellent catalogue of over 1000 items in pictorial card wrapper. Includes Stone's Note on Wood-Engraving, Autobiographical Essay, and an Introduction by Ruari McLean. £10

440 STONE, Wilbur Macey [Editor] Book-Plates of To-Day. Tonnele & Co., New York, 1902 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.(6)62; 8 colour & numerous line illustrations; well preserved in cloth-backed boards, paper label. Seven essays including the author's 'Book-Plates and the Nude' and 'Check-List of the Work of Twenty-three Book-Plate Designers of Prominence'. £35

441 STUYVAERT, Victor. WIJNGAERT, Frank van den. Jubileummap 1937 - 1957. Victor Stuyvaert. Antwerpsche Exlibriskring, Antwerpen, 1957 FIRST EDITION, portfolio of 4pp. essay & 36 bookplates mounted on card; very good in lightly soiled & marked glazed paper printed wrapper. £35

442 SUAREZ, Manuel Silva. Uniformes y Emblemas de la Ingenieria Civil Espanola. Fernando el Catolico, Zaragoza, 1999 FIRST EDITION, folio, pp.251 + colophon; illustrations in line & colour thoughout; very good in slightly marked printed card wrapper. £20

443 SYMONS, A.J.A. Ex Libris. The Mark of Possession. [Article in] The Studio, December, 1935 Lg.8vo., pp.(311-)368,xx(adverts.) well preserved in original wrappers (backstrip a little worn). Symons' 6pp. article extensively illustrated + tipped-in proof on pink cartridge of Edward Carrick's bookplate for Andrew Block. Also includes Symons on Book Design this Year. £15

444 TALBOT, Clare Ryan. Historic California in Bookplates. One hundred and fifty-nine illustrations. Graphic Press, Los Angeles, California, 1936 FIRST EDITION, pp.xvi,287 (inc. appendix); tipped-in bookplate of Robert Ernest Cowan who provides an introduction, full-page & vignette illustrations throughout; original linen-backed boards, paper label (faded); a little rubbed at extremities but well preserved, uncut. Ex libris Women's Athletic Club of California; Brian North Lee's review of the 1983 reprint tipped-in at end. £40

445 TANCRED, George. Historical Record of Medals and Honorary Distinctions conferred on the British navy, Army & Auxiliary Forces. To which is added the Catalogue of the Collection of Colonel Murray of Polmaise. Spink & Son, 1891 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.xvi,483; 7 coloured & 17 other plates; illustrations iin text throughout; a good copy in crimson leather-backed navy buckram. £80

446 TANGIER. CLANDERMOND, [Andrew] Count. Tangier Bookplates. The Ex Libris of Tangier Resodents, Past and Present. [Privately Printed for the Author] The Black Eagle Press, Co. Antrim, 1998 FIRST EDITION, 200 copies printed; pp.(8)iv,32(12) index & appendix; 24pp. illustrations including two tipped-in specimens; very good in printed card wrappers. £25

447 TATSCH, J. Hugo. PRESCOTT, Winward. Masonic Bookplates. Supplemented by a Descriptive Check List of 586 Ex Libris of Masonic Interest. The Masonic Bibliophiles, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1928 FIRS EDITION, folio, pp.153; 32pp. of plates; a very good copy of this handsome production in green cloth-backed boards, paper label. £45

448 TAUSIN, Henri. Les Ex-Libris de Laurent de Lionne. Imprimerie Lefebvre-Durocq, Lille, 1910 FIRST EDITION, pp.16; portrait & three vignette illustrations; very good in printed wrappers. £20

449 TEALL, Gardner. Bookplates by Sidney L. Smith. With a Check-list of the Bookplates. Alfred Fowler, Kansas City, 1921 FIRST EDITION, pp.18(2); two plates; very good in modern cloth, original wrappers bound in. £20

450 THOLE, John. The Oxford and Cambridge Clubs in London. Oxford & Cambridge Club, 1992 FIRST EDITION, pp.(8)174; 8 colour & 36 monochrome plates; very good in dust-wrapper. £6

451 TOMA, Jozefa. SKOCZYLASA, Wladyslaw. Ex-Librisy Jozefa Toma. Z Przedmowa Wl. Skoczylasa. II. Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Milosnikow Exlibrisow, Warsaw, 1933 FIRST EDITION, pp.(8) + 16 tipped-in bookplates on 16 leaves; well preserved in silk-sewn printed wrappers (slightly spotted). £32

452 TOOLEY, R.V. English Books with Coloured Plates 1790 to 1860. A Bibliographical Account of the most Important Books illustrated by English Artists in Colour Aquatint and Colour Lithography. B.T. Batsford, 1987 Pp.viii,424; very good in dust-wrapper. Reprinted from the original edition of 1954. £10

453 TOZER, Charles W. The Insignia and Medals of the Grand Priory of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. J.B. Hayward, 1975 FIRST EDITION, sm.4to., pp.80; frontis. & 28 illustrations of medals, several in colour; very good in cloth & glacine wrapper. £25

454 TREDWELL, Daniel M. A Monograph on Privately-Illustrated Books. A plea for bibliomania. Fred. Tredwell, Brooklyn, 1882 FIRST EDITION, pp.(6)161; original brown cloth, top edge gilt, others uncut; a little bumped & shaken but sound; ex libris Frederic Melcher. Revised from a paper on extra-illustration given to the Rembrandt Club in Dec., 1880. One of the few books on the subject. £35

455 TRONNBERG, M. Le Baron Gunnar de L'Ex-Libris Francais du 16e Siecle A 1815. Preface par M. Edmond des Robert. Editions Arete, Copenhague-Paris, [1953] FIRST EDITION, no.169 of 275 copies; pp.66 + colophon; 48 illustrations & proof plate laid in; a very good copy of this attractive production in original printed wrappers. £20

456 TRUESDELL, Winfred Porter. The Cornhill Booklet [12pp. article in] The Cornhill Booklet. Vol.III, no.4. Alfred Bartlett, Cornhill, Boston, 1903 Pp.xviii,14; 8 full-page illustrations; uncut in pictorial wrappers, silk-sewn; splits in cover fold but sound. £12

457 TUDOR-CRAIG, Sir Algernon. Armorial Porcelain of the Eighteenth Century. With a Foreword by Sir Henry Farnham Burke, The Century House, 1925 FIRST EDITION, no.731 of 1000 copies; lg.4to.,,136; 3 colour & 54 half-tone plates; a very good copy of this deluxe production on hand-made paper; original navy buckram, gilt, top edge gilt; backstrip slightly faded. £38

458 VAN DAMME, Frank-Ivo. LEEMANS, Martin. [Fifteen Ex Libris by] Frank-Ivo [van Damme]. Tweede Map. [Antwerpse Exlibrisring] 1958 FIRST EDITION, lg.8vo., 15 Ex Libris on black card mounts with 8pp. catalogue & card portfolio (slightly worn). A fine showing of the work. £25

459 VAN DEN BRIELE, Luc. Boek en ExLibris. Het boek als inspiratiebron in de hedendaagse exlibriskunst. Introduction by Christian F. Verbeke. Ceuterick, Leuven, 1986 Lg.4to., pp.90 + colophon; 252 bookplates illustrated, many in colour; very good in printed card covers. A large selection from the entry for the publisher's first international competition. £25

460 VAUGHAN, Herbert M. Catalogue (with notes) of the Aneurin Williams Collection of Book Plates. National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1938. FIRST EDITION limited to 500 copies; pp.142; frontispiece; a very good copy in original buckram-backed boards. 854 ex libris described including many of 'poets, authors, artists, doctors, lawyers and clerics'. Extensive pencilled marginalia and various cuttings laid in. £20

461 VEKENE, Emile van der. L'Ex-Libris Luxembourgeois. Editions du Cercle, Jaillot 1986 FIRST EDITION, no.185 of 550 copies; pp.206 + colophon; 90 full-page plates; very good in original cloth, supplement with two further plates laid in. £40

462 VELEZ, Pilar. Els Ex-Libris de Josep Obiols. Presentacio de Marcal Olivar. Victor Oliva, Barcelona, 1992 FIRST EDITION, no.58 of 250 copies, signed; lg.8vo., pp.72; 21 mounted plates and various other illustrations & tipped-in specimens; very good in pictorial boards & dust-wrapper. £45

463 VENGRIS, V.E. Lithuanian Bookplates. Lithuanian Library Press, 1980 FIRST EDITION; landscape 4to., pp.248; illustrations throjughout with detailed captions & short biographies of artists. Very good in dust-wrapper. Parallel text in English & Lithuanian. £30

464 VERESTCHAGUINE, Vasilii Andreevich. L'Ex-libris Russe. [Golike, St. Petersberg] 1902 FIRST EDITION limited to 750 copies (this one of 250 with introduction in French); folio, pp.(4)7(3) + 124 leaves of plates with capitions in Russian & French; light water-staining in gutter margin of second half otherwise well preserved in later cloth-backed marbled boards, original pictorial card covers bound in. Inscribed 'A Madame de Wolseley Hommage respectment de la part de V. Verestchaguine. 3 Janvier 1903 St. Petersbourg.' £110

465 VERSTER, J.F. XL Musical Book-Plates with a list of more than CCC mottoes to be found on this class of book-plates. Frederik Muller, Amsterdam, 1897 FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.(4)23; 40 plates printed in sepia; a very good uncut & unopened copy of this deluxe production on hand-made paper; green printed wrappers. Text in four languages. £38

466 VIALET, Docteur G. Bibliotheques et Bibliophiles Bretons Anciens. 2e. edition revue et augmentee d'un important supplement. Librairie Guenegaud, Paris, 1986 Second & best edition, folio, pp.259(5); 300 illustrations & facsimiles in text; very good in cloth-backed marbled boards; original card covers bound in. £85

467 VINDEL, Francisco. Ensayo de un Catalogo de Ex-Libris Ibero-Americanos (Siglos XVI-XIX) [In two volumes.] Con 363 [& 277] facsimiles. Francsico Vindel Bibliografo, Madrid, 1952 FIRST EDITION, 2vol. no.278 of 300 copies; pp.xxxvi,253 + colophon; xii,293; 640 illustrations; a very good set in crimson leather-backed marbled boards. £220

468 VINHAS, Mario Laurinho Rodrigues. Norsk Ex Libris Selskap. Mappe nr.9. Vare utenlandske medlemmers ex libris. Reistad & Sonn, Oslo, 1961 No.27 of 85 sets, signed; pp.4 & 21 original bookplates (one signed) mounted on card & preserved in original printed card folder (a little worn & faded). £28

469 VINYCOMB, John. Fifty Book-plates ( Ex Libris). Designed by John Vinycomb. [Privately Printed] 1906 FIRST EDITION, 4to., copy no.95 (of 300), signed by the artist; pp.(14) + 50 tipped-in bookplates on heavy coloured cartridge mounts; prelims foxed, otherwise well preserved in contemporary blue morocco-backed cloth, original printed wrappers bound in; additional bookplate & caption tipped in at end. £220

470 VINYCOMB, John. On the processes for the production of Ex Libris (book-plates). Reprinted from the Journal of the Ex Libris Society with additional illustrations. A. & C. Black, 1894. FIRST EDITION in book form, pp.xii(2)96(4)adverts.; frontispiece printed in colours & silver, numerous full-page & vignette illustrations in line throughout; a good copy in original blue cloth, top edge gilt; ex libris Thomas Parkin. £35

471 VOLBORTH, Carl-Alexander von. Heraldry Customs, Rules and Styles. Blandford Press, 1981. FIRST EDITION, lg.8vo., pp.(8)229; 1219 illustrations, over 150 in colour; a very good copy in dust-wrapper. £10

472 VOS-VAN KLEEF, D. de Het Ex-Libris in Europa. Boekuil en Karveel-Uitgaven, Antwerpen, 1949 FIRST EDITION, pp.273 + colophon; illustrations throughout; a good copy in original decorated boards; hinges a little worn but sound. £15

473 VOYSEY, C.F.A. LIVINGSTON, Karen. The Bookplates and Badges of C.F.A. Voysey. Architect and Designer of the Arts and Crafts Movement. Antique Collectors' Club, 2011. FIRST EDITION, pp.304; 150 full-page colour plates; new in dust-wrapper. A beautiful production with excellent illustration. Reduced from £25. £15

474 WAGNER, Anthony. DALE, Anthony. The Wagners of Brighton. Phillimore, 1983 FIRST EDITION, pp.x,180; 16pp. plates & large folding pedigree; very good in dust-wrapper. Bookplate of Anthony Wagner laid in. £10

475 WALLER, Pickford. Bookplates. [With an introduction by W.G. Blaikie Murdoch.] The Morland Press, 1921. FIRST EDITION, 4to., pp.(4) + 15 full-page plates; A very good copy, uncut & partly unopened in original pictorial wrappers (edges bruised). £55

Item 478
Item 476
476 WALLER, Pickford. RODO, Ludovic. Bookplates. [bound with] Ex-Libris and Marks by Ludovic Rodo. Introduction by Frank Brangwyn. [bound with] The Bookplate Magazine. Number Eight. The Morland Press, 1921. [bound with] GUTHRIE, James [Editor] The Bookplate. The Journal of the English Bookplate Society. Number One. The Pear Tree Press, Flansham, 1922 FIRST EDITIONS, 4to., Four Works bound together; pp.(4) + 15 full-page plates; pp.(32) + 32 woodcut illustrations; pp.(235-)282, illustrated throughout; pp.(2)advert.,16 + illustrations & tipped-in printed list of meetings together with 1pp. ALS from Guthrie sending the magazine & hoping to sell 'my own book of 20 Plates'; very good copies in crimson leather-backed marbled boards, original pictorial wrappers bound in. The third item includes: The Bookplates of Claud Lovat Fraser (4 col. illus.) & The Bookplate in Belgium (illustrated), amongst other articles. £220

477 WARNECKE, F. Die deutschen Bucherzeichen (Ex-Libris) von ihrem Ursprunge bis zur Gegenwart. Verlag von J.U. Stargardt, Berlin, 1890. [Facsimile reprint by] Klaus Rodel, Exlibristen, Frederikshavn, 1977. Folio, ff.(5)vii,255; double pictorial title & 27 plates; a very good copy in original holland-backed marbled boards, of this accomplished facsimile edition. £65

478 WARNECKE, Friedrich. Bucherzeichen (Ex-Libris) des XV u XVI Jahrhunderts von Durer, Burgmair, Beham, Virgil Solis, Jost Amman u. A. B. de Graaf, 1970 Pp.(2)16 + 100 leaves of plates; very good copy of this well-produced facsimile of the original Berlin edition of 1894. £45

479 WARREN, Hon. J. Leicester. A Guide to the Study of Bookplates (Ex-Libris). John Pearson, 1880. FIRST EDITION, pp.(4)iv,238; 16 line illustrations; a good uncut copy in original cloth (faded), paper label (rubbed). £40

480 WARREN, Hon. J. Leicester. A Guide to the Study of Bookplates (Ex-Libris). Origins, development, forms and use of British and European Book-plates, their makers and owners.... Second, Corrected Edition, edited by Eleanor Leighton, with addition of an alphabetical index by F.J. Thairlwall. [Reprinted in facsimile by] Gerard Th. Van Heusden, Amsterdam, 1975 Pp.viii,228(28) index; 16 line illustrations; a well preserved facsimile of the enlarged 1900 edition in original pictorial card covers. £12

ALS & proof plate from the Author.
481 WARREN, Hon. J. Leicester. A Guide to the Study of Bookplates (Ex-Libris). [Second Edition] Sherratt and Hughes, Manchester, 1900. Pp.viii,228; 16 line illustrations; first & final leaves spotted, otherwise very good in original cloth, paper label. ALS from Warren laid in: 'Dear Dyer, here are one or two samples of my book plate designed by W. B. Scott for your friend's kind acceptance...' With the Scott bookplate tipped-in. Inscribed 'With Lady Leighton Warrens Compliments'. £65

482 WATSON-DIAMOND, Elizabeth. A Garland of Juvenile Bookplates. The Hyacinth Press, Cleveland, 1949 FIRST EDITION, 100 copies printed, pp.(12) + frontispiece in green on silver & 8 tipped-in plates, some signed by the artist; very good in silk-sewn printed card & tissue wrapper. The 'twenty-second blossom from the Press...'. £32

483 WEGMANN, A. Schweizer Exlibris Bis Zum Jahre 1900. Schweizer Bibliophilen Gesellschaft, Zurich, 1933 FIRST EDITION, no.285 of 600 sets; 2vol. lg.4to., pp.xii,403(5) + 76 leaves of plates & 849 schildformen; xii,432 + 59 plates & 1353 schildformen; one corner bumped, otherwise well preserved in original linen boards. £135

484 WERLICH, Robert. Russian Orders, Decorations and Medals including those of Imperial Russia, The Provisional Government, The Civil War and The Soviet Union. Second Edition. Quaker Press, 1981 Folio, pp.(8)160; 341 illustrations in colour & half-tone; very good in decorated boards, acetate wrapper. £30

485 WESBY, Maude Earle. Book Plates with Globes or Maps in Design. [Privately Published by the Compiler] Worcester, Mass., 1940 FIRST EDITION, 150 copies printed (this un-numbered); pp.(2)58; plate; nice copy in canvas-backed boards, glacine wrapper. Several neat pencilled augmentations. £25

486 WHISTLER, Rex. LEE, Brian North. The Bookplate Designs of Rex Whistler. Private Libraries Association for the Bookplate Society, 1973. FIRST EDITION, one of 350 specials with tipped-in bookplate frontis. (+ 650 copies with printed frontis.); pp.42 + 41 plates; a very good copy in original cloth, acetate wrapper & slightly rubbed slipcase. £45

487 WHITE, Gleeson [& others] Modern Book-Plates & their Designers. The Studio, Special Winter-Number 1898-9. FIRST EDITION, lg.8vo., pp.78, xvi(adverts); 8 tipped-in plates on a variety of papers, some in colours & gold, with captioned tissue guards, by Nicholson, Robinson, Anning Bell & others; line illustrations in text throughout (including Housman, Guthrie & Gordon Craig); a good copy in later green cloth, original wrappers bound in. Articles on British, French, German, Belgian & American bookplates. £40

488 WITTE, Klaus. Monogramm - Lexicon Europaischer ExLibris - Kunstler. ExLibristen [Klaus Rodel, Frederikshavn] 1981 FIRST EDITION, ll.(8)238 + colophon; all printed on rectos only; original wrappers; corners bumped but a good copy. £35

489 WOLF, Sylvia. Exlibris. 1000 Examples From Five Centuries. Bruckmann Munchen, 1985 FIRST EDITION, pp.366(2); illustrations throughout in line & half-tone; very good in pictorial limp cloth. Introductory essay in German & English. £15

490 WOODCOCK, Thomas. ROBINSON, Thomas Martin. The Oxford Guide to Heraldry. Oxford, 1989 Lg.8vo., pp.xiv,233; well illustrated in colour & monochrome; very good in dust-wrapper. £12

491 WOODWARD, John. BURNETT, George. A Treatise on Heraldry British and Foreign with English and French Glossaries. New introduction by L.G. Pine. Charles E. Tuttle, Rutland, VT, 1971 Pp.xxxviii,858; 48 colour & 8 monochrome plates; 106 line illustrations; very good in dust-wrapper & card slip-case £35

492 WORKMAN, David Andrew. British Orders, Decorations, and Medals in the Robert B. Honeyman, Jr. Collection of Orders, Decorations, and Medals. Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, 1979 FIRST EDITION, pp.110; sepia illustrations throughout; very good in dust-wrapper. £20

493 WORTHY, Charles. Practical Heraldry or An Epitome of English Armory showing how and by whom arms may be borne or acquired, how pedigrees may be traced or family histories ascertained. With 124 illustrations. George Redway, 1889 FIRST EDITION, pp.viii,250(6)adverts.; line vignettes throughout; original decorated cloth, gilt; lightly soiled but sound. £20

494 WRIGHT, W.H.K. JEWERS, Arthur J. [Editors] Journal of the Ex Libris Society. [Vols. I - XVIII. A. & C. Black, 1891-1908. Now reprinted in facsimile by] Greenwood Reprint Corporation, Westport, 1970 18 vols. in 9, 4to., each 150 -180pp., full-page & smaller illustrations in line throughout; a very good set of this useful facsimile of the complete Journal; original pictorial cloth, extremities a little rubbed but sound. £225

495 WRIGHT, W.H.K. [Editor] Journal of the Ex Libris Society. Vol. III (January - December, 1893) A. & C. Black, 1894 4to., pp.x,200; full-page & smaller illustrations in line throughout; a very good set bound from the 12 monthly parts in publishers' green cloth, gilt; a little wear at extremities but sound; original printed green wrappers bound in. First published in 1891, 18 volumes appeared before its demise in 1909. £45

Item 496
Item 496
496 YEBRA, Joan-Lluis de. Oliva, Victor. [Editors] Ex-Libris: Quaderns D'Investigacio. Exlibristica. Numbers 1-9 (in 5 volumes). Algraf, Barcelona, 1989-93 Edition Limited to 300 numbered copies; 9 nos. in 5 vols., folio; pp.311; illustrations throughout including many tip-ins,. the majority signed & numbered, text in Catalan, English & Spanish. A very good complete set of this deluxe production in original decorated card wrappers. 'The scant reception encountered by the first number of Ex-Libris around the world, and especially the practically non-existent interest it has awoken in Catalonia, leads us to suspect that the issue you now have in your hands - the second - may well be the last to see the light of day...' Editorial in Issue 2. In fact nos. 3, 4/5, and 6/9 appeared in the following years before the curtain came down. Themed issues on Ismael Smith, Sant Jordi, E.C. Ricart & Don Quixote, brought together many fine artists & distinguished writers, but inspired too few subscribers. Complete sets are hard to find. £300

497 YEBRA, Joan-Lluis de. Oliva, Victor. [Editors] Ex-Libris: Quaderns D'Investigacio. Exlibristica. Numbers 1-3. Algraf, Barcelona, 1989-90 Edition Limited to 300 numbered copies; 3 nos. in 3 vols. (of 9nos. in 5vols), folio; pp.110; illustrations throughout including many tip-ins,. the majority signed & numbered, text in Catalan, English & Spanish. The first three issues of this short-lived deluxe production in original decorated card wrappers. 1 'Els primers Ex-Libris Moderns'. 2 'Ismael Smith'. 3 'Sant Jordi'. £120

498 YORKSHIRE. TURNER, J. Horsfall. The Coats of Arms of the Nobility & Gentry of Yorkshire... Part.1 [all published] With 462 illustrations. Privately printed for the Author by John Wade, Idle, 1911. FIRST EDITION, pp.288 of which 171 with full-page & vignette illustrations; later crimson leather-backed marbled boards, original wrappers (worn) bound in; small cancelled stamps of Nat. Lib. Scot on first & final margins. £35

499 YOUNG, Thomas R. Some Yorkshire Bookplates. The Bookplate Society, Apsley House Press, Birmingham, 1991. FIRST EDITION limited to 400 copies, pp.x,43(3); 15 plates & other illustrations in text; 170 bookplates described; very good in original printed wrappers. Related ephemera laid in. £14

500 ZEBHAUSER, Helmuth. Alpine Exlibris. Sinn und Bild in Einer Grafischen Kunst von 1890-1930. Herausgegeben vom Deutschen Alpenverein. Bruckmann, Munchen, 1985 FIRST EDITION, pp.192 incl. index; 114 illustrations (24 in colour); very good in dust-wrapper. £15

501 ZUR WESTEN, Walter von. Exlibris. (Bucheignerzeichen). Mit 6 Kunstbeilagen und 164 Abbildungen. Verlag von Velhagen & Klasing, Bielefeld und Leipzig, 1901 FIRST EDITION, pp.(8)103; 6 plates with captioned guards (some coloured) & illustrations in line & half-tone throughout; well preserved in original two-tone limp cloth, gilt. £20

502 ZUR WESTEN, Walter von. Exlibris. (Bucheignerzeichen). Mit 5 Kunstbeilagen und 201 Abbildungen. Zweite, vermehrte Auflage, Verlag von Velhagen & Klasing, Bielefeld und Leipzig, 1909 Second Edition, revised, pp.(4)145; 6 plates with captioned guards (some colour) & illustrations in line & half-tone throughout; well preserved in original two-tone limp cloth, gilt. £20

503 ZUR WESTEN, Walter von. Exlibris. (Bucheignerzeichen). Mit 233 Abbildungen, darunter 4 farbigen Tafeln. Dritte, vermehrte Auflage, Verlag von Velhagen & Klasing, Bielefeld und Leipzig, 1925 Third Edition, revised, pp.(4)163; 6 plates & illustrations in line & half-tone throughout; well preserved in original red cloth, gilt. £20

504 ZUR WESTEN, Walter von. [Editor] Mitteilungen des Exlibris-Vereins zu Berlin. 1921-24 [with] Ex Libris Buchkunst und Angewandte Graphik. 1921-24 Deutschen Vereins fur Exlibriskunst und Gebrauchsgraphik, Berlin, 1921-1924 Lg.4to., pp.48; 64; 56; 16; 52; (17-)28; 32; (57-)72; 56; (17-32); illustrations throughout including tip-ins & folding inserts. Some light water-staining & browning but generally well preserved in later green cloth; a little worn but serviceable. Full of good things. £135